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Making and army out of a collection of old models...help


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So way back around 3ed i had a chaos space marine army vaguely based around world eaters but with a few other bits. i went away from the hobby for a while but now im back and with the new csm codex. i was wondering if i can make a viable army out of the stuff i have? Or even some advice on how to use this all...i havent actually played a game in 6ed but ive flipped thru the new codex...this is what i have currently:





Daemon Prince w/wings



Dreadnought or Hellbrute i guess



i have about 4 squads of 8 bzkrs, with a mixture of chainswords/axes and a few power weapons and plasma pistols. one squad is modeled kinda possessed looking i guess.


Oh i have a rhino



5 raptors



5 Havocs with a mix of weapons...lascannon, heavy bolter, autocannon


i also have a unit of bloodcrushers and bloodletters which i guess could be allies


the army is pretty old, like some of the brezerkers are pre multipart kit. when i was younger i mostly just got stuff i thought looked cool...do you think this is a decent starting point? Or is there anything else i need to make this work...i was thinking i might need a landraider or a couple of rhinos?? If i was trying to make a 1k list which bita should i include? Thanks for yr help guys!

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Pretty much everything there is viable for use with the new dex, though there are no rules for Cypher.


Khârn makes Zerkers troops choices so you fulfil that requirement and the other units are ok.


As for Cypher there are currently no rules for him under 6th, but you could run him as a secondary Khornate Chaos Lord for possible Daemon Prince transformation which would be a points saver because winged Daemon Princes are a heavy point sink, unless of course you want to run the Daemon Prince straight away (which would let you use its wings and give you a MC Flyer) or even for when you don't want to use Khârn, though in 6th you should ALWAYS use Khârn. Yuo could even stick a jump pack on him and attach him to the Raptors, giving you some serious fast hitting potential depending on the Lord's setup.


A Raider would probably be a good idea for Khârn and one of the Zerker squads as Rhinos have the survivability of wet toilet paper unless you have a lot of dense cover the hide them behind.


Personally I'd run one squad of 16 Zerkers and have 2 squads of 8 one of which you can put in the Rhino (attach Khârn to one for meatshields.) This will give you a squad which will attract a lot of fire whilst your smaller squads get with the killing, or objective taking, but mainly the killing :devil:


Hope that helps ;)

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Cheers! Is a land raider a better option than say 2 more rhinos? I know theres a big point difference but financially not so much. i dont particularly want to buy tons more models, but what do you think the army needs if i was going to get something else...or are transports the best option?


Cheers! Is a land raider a better option than say 2 more rhinos? I know theres a big point difference but financially not so much. i dont particularly want to buy tons more models, but what do you think the army needs if i was going to get something else...or are transports the best option?

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I don't do mathammer :lol:


But more Rhino's do present more targets though they pop like balloons, then again with the Raider you get anti-armour weaponry, it's much more survivable and makes for a tempting target which will give your footsloggers a reprieve from your opponents heavier weaponry, but will suffer from being alone.


I'd say your first port of call should be a Raider, as you already have a Rhino which can assist with transport and distraction. Other than that a Pred/Vindicator would be a good choice purely for kill potential, as well as adding another thing for your enemy to be worried about.


A Defiler is always an option too, as it is very survivable and can put out a lot of heavy firepower, though it is a bit expensive points wise.


Any of the above would be a good addition, I'd also advise you get the Chaos side of Dark Vengeance or at least the Cultists from e-bay or a friend, as they are objective camping meatsheilds for your Zerkers, which saves them the trouble of wasting their time not killing and also stupidly cheap points wise.


Another unit worth considering is the Helldrake, as since the FAQ it has become a murder machine (AP3 Flamer with Torrent USR that can fire in any direction :devil: ).


In the end it all depends on what you are looking for.


If you just want an army for small games that will be competitive then adding one or two of the above will get you there ;)

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One thing you could do, If you have a suitable model or convert a blood letter to a herald (not expert on deamons dex, so might ahve to check if skull crusher is better), then could have prince as heavy support in allies, blood letters as troops and crushers as elites for some allie goodness (and speed as they use deamonic assult).


I'd pick up a raider, a flyer (if you want to use them as they are awesome, but personally not for me), and some cheap cultists on ebay. That would set you up with a list along the lines of:




7 zerkers, p/wep champ, VotLW

8 zerkers, p/wep champ rhino, VotLW

10 cultist, stubber




to make it 1500


5 raptors, MoK, single claw champ, VotLW

12 zerkers, p/wep champ, VotLW

with 10 points to either put spec wep in raptor, or uprate brutes wep.


Just an example of what you could run. At 1000 I think most armies will struggle with flyer and an arm 14, esp with dirty assult cargo. increasing in size means you are using more fast moving/hard hitting elements, while using models you have

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Thanks guys...appreciate the input...important starting to get enthusiastic bout my old world eaters again. I just wasn't sure i could make a viable force without buying loads of new stuff i can afford! Having said that i agree that important not fused on the look for the helldrake...but that gives me a good starting point...maybe use its points for some of the demon allies? Or i was talking in another post here bout renegade guard and someone mentioned blood pact. if i take the cultists and helldrake out that would give me some points for them...daemons or guard allies??? Tho i do have daemon models...stupid gw tempting me to spend more money!!
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