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leinmann's LPC Chaos Ascendant Vow


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This will be my thread for my Chaos Ascendant vow that i aim to have completed fairly soon. so far i have undercoated:

  • the traitor captain
  • sternguard veterans
  • bikers
  • 10 traitor marines and
  • the predator


i will post pics up as soon as i get the chance, as undergoing a few changes at work at the moment so i'll have time to crack on with them pretty soon. happy days. 

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my apologies brothers - i have been at work today, my laptop died and i'm actually using my brothers so here is my 1st pic for my vow as i get the hang of his laptop. 

WP 000055


my lord and veterans (traitor captain and traitor sternguard veterans)

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and here is the rest of it. i am sorry for the lateness in my posting my brothers and sisters, it has been a manic day to say the least, but better late than never hopefully (if it still counts). if these are good enough and still count, then at least its worth something, if not then its 2 articles i'm going to have to be thinking of posting up. 


WP 000057


the predator, bikes and traitor marines. and voila, i have another fully painted chaos army courtesy of a B&C painting comp. 

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