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Alternate style Daemon Prince


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I would like my Daemon Prince to be the size of a normal marine, I see him as being an epic super skilled beast, just not super size. Sort of like a saint. I don't think he will wear armour and will have a robe.


Do you think anyone would have a problem with this? I plan to have him on the same base as a Daemon prince with lots of flowing ribbons and hair and stuff so it will be roughly the same size as a whole.


As a side, I would like him to be able to fly but I don't want to give him wings. If I have him levitating do you think anyone would have a problem with it?

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One of my DP's is scarcley larger than a terminator, but I have him standing on a corpse-cart surrounded by Nurglings. I would reccomend that you do something similar, put him on a large rocky outcropping or a pile of dismembered space marines. That will make him the height of a regular DP and also make him look awesome.

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Some people will have issues with this because it can fall under the "modelling for advantage" paradigm.  After all, regardless of the fluff behind the character, his rules still say that he is a monstrous creature and must be appropriately sized and be on an appropriately sized base.  Personally I like the "standing atop a huge pile of mangled bodies" idea.  Then you still get the model at a proper height while showing off his epicbadassery.

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Fluffwise, I see no problem at all, as Daemon Princes can be of any size. And I really enjoy conversions, so I'm fine.

Yet, clearly, modelling for advantage must be avoided. Nobody wants to see SM heads glued on bases because "they are shoulder deep in the mud".

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Lol sorry about the extra posts, phone playing up combined with me being retarded!


Yeah that's what I really want to avoid, I'm not modelling for advantage, I barely play to be honest. It's just to fit with my fluff. My warband is based roughly on Asian myths and stuff, and I want my Prince to be a bit like Asura from Asura's wrath but with a stylised Asian style halo.


Guess I could do a big Oni type guy that I could use if someone has a problem

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It's not that we have a problem with it, because we still see it as,"It's your hobby. Build what makes you happy." But if you want to use it in game it needs to be based properly at most. An idea to build up for it is to glue the basic marine base on a terminator base upon a prince base that would set him up higher thank at without much worry.
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i really like the idea of a daemon prince thats still small having just changed. it would be a great model to have to swap out for a character that boons into a prince. i was thinking of converting either astorath or the sanguinor to be a lord or something but i think i might go with the prince idea now. especially the sanguinor, hes kinda being lifter off the ground spreading his arms in benediction, i could see him converted to being literally mid transformation. 

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My friend has a Slaaneshi daemon prince that is based off a converted marine bits + Sigvald the pretty boy (or whatever the fantasy guy is called) so he is roughly marine size, maybe as tall as a terminator, but not as chunky. He has a pair of fairly large wings going up behind him, but they don't look like they are being used. He also has some flowing robes which again make him take up more space. He has a flying stand stuck into one of his feet and it looks like he is walking on the air. He is supposed to represent pride and has an arrogant look.




He then has 6 noise marine squads (of 6) that represent the other 6 deadly sins.

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He'll still need to be on a 60mm base.  I'd model the dude floating in the air, or standing atop a pile of rubble & corpses, to get the right height, and then try and add bits to fill him out some - long flowing robe, little daemons or cervo skull type things floating around him streaming ribbons, cords, or cables, maybe wings, etc, so that altogether he's about as visible/targetable as a daemon prince should be.


Regardless, it wouldn't bother me too much, but you might run into problems with some others if the model seems to grant you particular gameplay advantages, or if it doesn't look awesome enough to justify the deviation from the norm.

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Minus the fact that in most GW ran tournament settings your models generally have to be approximately 75% GW parts. Sooooo, I do not suggest doing that.

But that's only a concern if you actually participate in GW tournaments. ;)

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