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Relic Blade on Captain


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Yep. Stack em up. I have the same combo on a chapter master I built about a year ago and it looks great. There's a good case for replacing the combi melta with a melta bomb instead, as then you keep the bolt pistol for an extra attack while still being able to crack tanks.
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The only downside to a Relic Blade is you cannot get extra attacks from close combat-weapons, but since you don't have one this is a non-issue, plus it counts as an Unusual Power Weapon, so you'll be doing 3 S6 AP3 attacks (plus an extra S4 attack on chargeĀ if you model him onto a Bike). I use a Relic Blade with my Biker Captain (I took four chainsword blades to make a giant chain-broadsword conversion for added epic) and it can cause some damage, I advise you give him Digital Weapons, your hits are very valuable and being able to re-rolll one failed Wound each Assault Phase will help, especially against big tough enemies.

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