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Brothers, I need your help!

company veteran

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Good day fellow brothers.. i am in need of your assistance regarding the appearance of my death company.


let me explain my idea...


I play lamenters and in the BA codex it states that they have claimed to have cured the red thirst/black rage.. however it also states that this claim could be backfiring on them as they are having issues with their geneseed.


I feel that the Lamenters have found a way to surpress their gene flaws, but its not 100% sucessful and a handful of battle brothers end up going the opposite way.. turning into completely crazed psychos..even more so than regular death company.


these marines are simply known as 'the lost'


affected marines are swiftly placed into stasis chambers until they can be unleashed upon the battlefield to cause carnage..


because of this idea i want:


 a small sized death company to represent the handful brothers that do sucumb to the black rage.


regular yellow armour.. but very chipped/damaged. i figure crazed marines wont be sitting around whistling and painting their armour a nice shade of black.


chipped up weapons and chainswords with missing teeth.. the lost dont treat their weapons with much care wildly hacking at enemies and armour alike.


bolt pistols chained to their wrists.. these stop the lost from simply dropping their side arms.. and many of the lost end up using their bolt pistol and chain as a rudimentary flail.


extremely dynamic posing.. charging forward into hails of bullets etc



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I like it, especially the bold pistol flail idea. It would make a cool conversion and you can use BT bits for the others.


The chipped armor could be ok to mark them as the lost ones, but on the table top you really want something to stand out as different from the rest of the army. In addition, I'd suggest making them extra grisly with severed heads as trophies almost chaos like.


O and blood, lots and lots of blood! Red really will stand out against the yellow armor :)

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This is actually a really awesome idea! You're concept is very cool and feels a bit more realistic then what is the status quo. My only suggestion is maybe dirty the armor up with blood and dirt since there is not enough time to clean their stuff.

Now that I think of it another cool idea is maybe taking some weapons and using them the wrong way. For example have a marine holding his bolter like a club bashing someones face in. That would be sick yes.gif

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One of the things that I love about the Lamenters was the supposed cure to the Red Thirst/Black Rage (albeit with the flipside of horrible luck etc), and now it has been retconed to "they're turning the same way as the FT/FE/BA etc" sad.png

I do like your ideas a lot. Whilst I've seen other Lamenter armies with conventional DC's (as in Black), a yellow one that is even more bat poo crazy than usual is something I'd love to see happy.png

As well as having damaged armour and weapons, perhaps some...improvised weapons could be apt too. I can just imagine a Lamenter DC Marine losing, or breaking a Chainsword and having torn off an Orks arm for example, decides that it'll suffice as a temporary club, especially if it was a Bionik one msn-wink.gif

Just thought, if you're able to, perhaps having a few Marines bare headed with Vampire heads to show how far they've gone happy.png

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another idea is that falling to the black rage stops the denial of their geneseed and with the acceptance of their heritage they stop being unlucky! maybe some of the guys go on to survive ridiculous odds and some have even survived for several campaigns.. waiting in stasis between each battle.. armour and weapons completely mauled. the rest of the lamenters see their presence on the battlefield as fortuitous but also with great sadness.. the only way to cure their misfortune is through insanity.

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ok test model is done.. let me know guys... sorry bout the blurriness..will take better pics tomorrow.


front, chipped power sword,heavily damaged armour, blood.





side, chest bullet wound, more damage and chipping, blood,chained bolt pistol.





top, missing eye, cleaved shoulder pad and plenty of gore.



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i feel that when they were in space prison(!) their sanguinary priests would be unable to take the neccesary steps to repress the geneseed of the battle brothers. since they got out (for good behaviour) the priests are back to trying to get rid of black rage..it just goes wrong horribly sometimes.

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I love this idea. Of the Death Co. marine just auto placed in stasis. I never like the fluff explanation of a Chaplain walking the rank and chanting til one of the marines started to scream then they escort him to get a different paint job. I feel this is more the lines of how it happens. Nice test mini.

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Thanks.. I feel the same way obviously.. Once you rage then you need to be contained.. Loaded onto stasis cells on a storm raven, flown into a battlefield, drop the assault ramp, chaplain turns off the stasis cells and steps back quickly then follows them out to 'Shepard' them from enemy to enemy.
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He looks great. Just the right amount of blood and gore. Also beside your other great ideas you could let a few of them use torn of limb as weapons? Nothing screams out madness like clubbing some xenoscum to pieces with his comrades arm.


I was thinking of trying to make a dc marine armed with a metal pipe i figured he found on the battlefield after he broke his chainsword from beating up his enemys a bit to hard.

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