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More bodies needed?


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Ive been working on numerous lists from 1000 points to 2000 points and im conflicted on what I should put into these lists...


What would you guys consider as auto-includes into these lists?  Should we be packing our lists with as many Assault squads as possible?  Is it a good idea to work in some tac squads?  Any input from you guys would be appreciated.



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I played BA in the PDF and then after the codex drop


I had 2-5 man sniper squads with cloaks...usally in oposite corners of the board...leave them there and let them take their targets out as they come to them...people under estimate scout snipers way to much...


at 1k you should have minimum of 2-10 man assault squads back in 5th when I played 2 priest and a libby dread...maybe start filling out the DC and put them in a Storm Raven and watch bodies get ripped apart....maybe throw on a DC dread with those guys with Blood Talons....yeah I know those things can hurt BA vs BA...I had regular assault marines sarge with power fist/Inferus pistol...priest w/jump pack and power weapon and another infernus pistol...8 inches from dread...he fleets 3 inches...and charges...after his assault phase he moved on with life...I had 11 bodies...


stupid fleet...


*****my bad forgot to give advice here...


if you dont have 20 assault marines 10 sniper scouts and a libby dread minimum there is where the points need to be going...


after then DC is always a good choice...and for every five guys you can get a dc dread...soooo a squad of 25 DC could give you the other 5 DC dreads to make all 6 troop spots...


just kill everyone and forget about objectives...


be really 7-9 man DC squad with Lemartes is a must...let him take a wound and just keep going...that set up with power weapons and the such will be 250+ easily

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I had been running a list for the past couple of months before going my well rounded approach. It's a bit spammy, but if you are going against people who regularly go to tournaments, it might not be horrible.


A librarian led 3 assault squads, so I had a forward element of assaulty dudes. I then had tacticals in drop pods (because I felt the rhino's were unessesary. Pick for pleasure). I had them all kitted out with every ounce of melta weapon I could find. Backed up by 3 (5) man devestators for some transport opening goodness (or just to kill other hordes). All told It's an 1850 list that packs in 68 power armored bodies, most of which will have feel no pain.


I do think a good core of any blood angels list come 6th edition has to include at least 2 assault squad and some devestators. Any well rounded list needs some way to silence other artillery like units, that can also pull double duty on cracking open transports for your assault squad to mop up. I would heavily lean on 3 Assault Squads once getting into 1750, with objective being 1/3 more important than last edition, if you play stock standard missions.

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At 1500, I generally run 2 assault, one tactical, and one devastator (10,10,10 and 5 men strong respectively). But then, my preference is for balanced lists; there's a definite offensive focus, but I can play a more defensive role if necessary (I just prefer not to :P ). Try and fit special weapons into your assault squads where possible... I run dual melta in one, and dual flamer in the other.


I've very rarely left home without a tactical squad at any point in the last several years (the occasions being when I've fancied an all-jump list), definitely a good buy. You need something to sit and hold objectives that can put out some damage from range, and tactical squads are great for this. I give mine a rhino (even though its borderline heretical at the moment) so that they can either sit back on defence, or plough forward on offence with the rest of the army.

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The advice you will receive will vary from person to person.


I only run 1 assault squad at 2000pts and have been doing reasonably well.


Instead of looking for an auto-include unit, post your list, and we can identify weaknesses, that you can then fill with other units.


In terms of most useful unit, 2xMM attack bikes work well for me. Fast, scoring in 1/6 games, hard to kill (4W, 3+, 5+ jink, T5), and they can nuke a tank. They are also cheap enough to speed bump an opposing unit and not feel bad about it.

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Xenith has it right. My fast attack slot is almost always empty barring the occasional Baal or very rare Vanguard squad. However, lots of players swear by bikers (especially MM attack bikes). Frankly, I think the best thing about the BA codex, apart from being a BA codex and therefore superior to all the rest, is the lack of auto-includes. Granted, there are some really solid options (Divination librarians, Mephiston, Storm Raven), but plenty of ways to go. The best way is to play with the stuff you enjoy using. If you shove up what you definitely want to use, we can suggest things to compliment it and tweak things.

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I would also say that a 250pt 'hammer' would be an auto include.


Whether it be death company, mephiston, sanguard, or vanguard.


You need a face smashing heavy hitter if you want to win close combats, assault marines can only go so far.

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I agree entirely with Xenith. I don't see anything as an autoinclude per-say, but there are roles that must be covered. I use Death Company with a Prescience Libby as a hammer, assault squads as distraction/counter assault, and etc. Anybody who tells you "X unit is always an autotake" isn't thinking about the game in a holistic or useful manner.

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I won't lie. I haven't played more than 8 games of Warhammer total.


At 1750- 2000 I always have 2x10 Assault with melta (thinking of plasma lately). I also started using a tactical to babysit the objective and it didn't fail me so far , bu a scout could be used as well.


2 attack with multimelta for 100 isn't bad. As for devastators : while i was having fun with them (4ML or 3ML-PC or 2ML-2PC), lately am not so sure anymore.


I start slowly to turn towards the Predator (TLAC/ Sponsors: LC) for the mobility (Vindicator is good back has smaller range). Fast units , we need to play to your strengths.


As for the "hammer" unit you need it. Prefer 5 DC Jump packs or 10 DC bolters drop pod.

I don't think i suggest Vanguard in large units , I use them only for harassment a couple of times.

Termies are termies.

You could use a "shooty" hammer like Sternguard with combi-plasma.


Oh, don't forget your Priest. Feel no Pain.

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