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has anyone actually rolled a god damn daemon prince in a game yet? i play several games a week and i never have. I've done it plenty of times for gift of mutation but it doesnt count, extremely frustrating. 


also whats you best boon experience so far. in the last two weeks i have rolled pretty awesomely twice. First my biker lord with burning brand rolled +1 weapon strength FOUR times in a game making it strength 8 which was pretty awesome. 


secondly i have been using my new daemon prince with wings, armour and mace recently and disappointed that he kept dying. then i played my fourth game with him. I rolled spawn twice in a row for gift of mutation, then multiple boons, then a 3 on my d3. then mechanoid (2+ armour), fragment of immortality (eternal warrior, cant get much better), masochism (feel no pain) and then...... multiple boons!!! only 1 on the D3 but it was enough to get me crystalline body (+1 toughness) and cosmic fate (reroll armour saves) !!!!! needless to say he did not die, no matter what. i just hurled him into the biggest scariest unit i possibly could.... he did not die. 


still annoyed that i've never rolled dark apotheosis though, but i guess i cant complain ;) 


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And now, moving on.
I tend to get lots of cool stuff like Fleshbane or +1WS. Every now and then Huron will score eternal warrior... I have rolled 66 one time. I was playing against my friend's IG army and had charged into a group of dudes with my Champion in the back. This proved to be wise as my surviving 2 marines were killed by overwatch and garbage armor save rolls. So the Champ gets into combat, and the Sgt. accepts to spare his men the fate of being eaten alive by a Chaos Space Marine. I manage to do 4 wounds to him, he loses combat and breaks. I sweeping advance and then get 66 on the chart. <insert hell breaking loose>


He died next turn because all surviving Guard units turned and fired on him, but now I have a story about how a single Chaos Marine killed an entire vet squad in a single turn and [ever so briefly] ascended to Daemonhood.

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I built a CCW squad for my night lords and gave them mark of khorne (if you have to ask my reasons, put the dice down) I rolled on mutation +1 armor save. I assault my buddy's DA squad with his unit which had a librarian. The challenge was first accepted by the sergeant (buwhahaha) killed him. I roll.....and get nothing. Fickle ass dice! So next round to keep my champ from completely mercing his troops his librarian steps up, and thinks his force sword is something that will end my meteoric rise. Well let's just say +1 armor basically allows ap3 to be treated as normal to this guy. Every wound gets saved. No banishment for this guy. This combat takes 2 full turns as my guys are mopping up his troops. Then finally my champ delivers the coup de grace to the librarian, and khorne laughs heartily. I reach for my dice and I start to roll. 6. 5. And I look at my buddy and we both laugh at the poetic irony as this champion transform into the newest daemon prince of khorne.
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Boons do not stack, so you can't get that strength 8 brand.


My experiences with boons: Balistic skill and Stubborn for my Lords, Mechanoid for terminator champion, Eternal Warrior for aspiring champion, and Blade of chaos for Mace wieding Lord.


Didn't get many spawns, but still pretty useless.

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I have rolled a Daemon Prince....it sucked.  My sorcerer was in a challange with a Necron IC, killed him, rolled FNP, he got back up, killed him again, Turned into a Daemon Prince...got shot to death on my opponents turn.  So dumb that your IC loses all his powers and wargear, and becomes unengaged.

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The only time I got DP from boon was when I played against dark angels, my biomancy using Nurgle sorcerer slew Ezekial in a challenge rolled 66 turned into a DP and then wiped out a deathwing squad, dreadnaught and full tactical squad with Azrael  by himself only to be brought down by a plasma cannon from a devastator squad in the end I lost the game but was pretty satisfying.

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I had Huron turn into a prince on turn 5 of a game recently after killing a sorcerer (I think with his heavy flamer). He didn't get to do anything but it did save my warlord point as he took 3 wounds in the following shooting phase which would have killed him were he still a mortal.


My plague marine champion usually racks up quite a few boons with his powerfist and combi plas, although so far nothing that has had a major effect on the game. My goal is to get a cultist champ to daemonhood. I think if he can take out a character with an autogun he deserves it.

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I've had it happen a few times.


Since you are auto pulled out of combat, the chances of the model surviving the opponents shooting phase (unless you ascend on their turn), assuming you can place the model at all, are slim to none.


It's a terrible result that tends to give the opponent a free VP, maybe even warlord if you're that unlucky. DP with no wings or gifts is pretty mediocre, and especially squishy...

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I did roll a Daemon Prince once on my first assault of the game against a SM player. My Nurgle bikers charged into a unit of his Tac Marines and I proceeded to kill the sergeant.  I rolled DA and got myself a Nurgle DP.  Though he didn't really survive the next round as he became a huge focus for fire.  He shot literally everything in his army at it.  

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^^; I managed to get a Daemon Prince result in a kill team game. My Aspiring Sorceress killed a Death Jester and rolled Dark Apotheosis, before proceeding to rip apart the entire rest of his warband.


On the other hand, there was the time my Daemon Prince cast Boon of Mutation on himself and turned himself into a Spawn at the start of the first turn. ><

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I had 2 or 3 times Multiple boons on Chosen Champ or Jugger Lord.


The Jugger Lord got last time 3 Boons, +1 T, Cosmic fate, and Icy Aura, the most important for me was the +1T, a Jugger Lord of Khorne with T6?, oh yes!


Got Cosmic fate, +1T and Mechanoid for Khârn once.


Din't have a Spawn of DP until now.


But sometimes i've got Boons that was really useless at the time, Adamentium Will on Khârn..., or Shred on a Champ with LC's..., or even better Stubborn on a Zerker Champ...

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