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Soul Blaze and the Icon of Flame.


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Simple question as above - is there any benefit for a Tzeentch marked squad to have an Icon of Flame?


 Half of me says yes, the other half looks at it a little askance and figures not worth the points.


 And so?

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I am hoping they Faq it so it's usefull, like additionally to soul blaze, all units with the Mark of Tzeenthc shooting and casting powers on the affected unit get +1BS or it allowed them to reroll to wound, or gave all their weapons an -1AP modifier (making thousand son bolter AP2 with it)

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Everyone heavily skews the numbers to fudge the math.  The icon is fine and it's only 10pts for the sould blaze since just an icon in general is worth 5pts.  I run it on all my squads (3 of them normally) and it usually kills about 1-4 marines and occasionally something interesting.  For a net investment of 30pts for soul blaze that's not bad.  And the +1 to resolution has been pivotal more then once. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I for one, like the banner. Not for the Soul Blaze, per se, but for the +1 combat res. I find my T-sons are great at ties, thanks to the 4++. That banner pushes it to a win. Mandatory for every unit...no, but it is nice to have sometimes.

This is the main reason I run them myself. TSons forcing Ld tests every turn, simply because nobody is doing anything to anyone. The occasional failed combat lets my TSons push units into double-tap range and be a nuisance on an objective. If the TSons fail the combat they try again next turn.

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