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Help making a gun banner


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I was wondering how i should go about making a gun banner for my weapons on my Warhound Titan. I would like to have a design of some sort hanging off of each weapon, with kill tallys on them. Is it something i can design on the computer, shrink, print and then weather it? Also, how do i make it more solid?


I have no idea where to start with this, any ideas would be great!

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The way I do mine is to print the design on paper. You want two sides designing; front and back. The attachment ribbons go on the front. The back is just a plain triangle or rectangle, whatever. Paint both sides before gluing the attachment ribbons around then hanger with superglue. Then with PVA glue the back half on. The PVA will first soften the paper allowing you to form it, then it will stiffen up.


Attaching hangers is dependent on what style you want. You could go for a plain bent bar or chains. The jewellery section of your local craft store should have suitable chains and split rings for mounting. You may need to make a mounting bracket or repurpose an antenna eyelet from a tank kit.

Awesome, thank you for the input. I never thought about a jewlery store for chains. PVA glue, I assume I can get at any hobby store for the most part? Ill have to check that out tonight. Right now I am not sure if i want to print a design out, or freehand a design, with some decals and things.


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