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Hi there I'm Michael, 19 years old. I'm half Czech-french and living in Prague right now, as you might imagine I'm not a native English speaker so bear with my mistakes ^^

I started playing back 8 years ago with Battle for Macragge. built almost 1.5k of ultrasmurfs and then started a necron army (the 4th ed oldcrons) before dropping the hobby. And then, here i am back!

A friend of mine was interested in playing pen and paper rpg's and he read about Rogue Trader. I told him I used to play 40k tabletop and so from there he started by buying the Dark Vengeance box. He's now going for a Grey Knights army I believe. Another friend of mine then wished to buy his DV chaos marines and is now starting a World Eaters army and his brother bought a Space Wolves Battleforce. Much MeK (or indeed marines) gathered but at least we just got a 4 person group of players starting armies, to learn the 6th ed smoothly. Just as planned tongue.png

Anyways I then got on a little nerd rampage and decided not only to get a new army up and running, but a whole home made chapter with it's fluff, colors and then document the whole thing on a blog.

As I got around the B&C a few times while reading about stuff I needed, I thought why not just make an account and share my little adventure with you guys, also that might help get some company in the loneliness of painting in the dark and also (hopefully) some constructive criticism to help me build my chapter.

I'll create a topic in the work in progress section I believe, with a link to my blog and some extras on the forum. I'll go more deeply into detail there but keep in mind the blog will be used as a srs bzns reference for me so I would appreciate everyone respecting me and other people while commenting it thanks.gif

[EDIT]: OK, still early work in progress but here is the link to the blog where i'll be documenting my work, from lore and rules I'll use to the painting of the minis. Feel free to comment any advice (and correct my terrible grammar --')


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Glad you've found B&C helpful! I hope you'll share the details of your home made Chapter with us over in the Liber, we're big on that sort of thing XD!


Welcome, and feel free to ask us anything!

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Well I'll have a few different categories in the building of my chapter. So it would help if someone directed me to the sections where I can post them:


- Paints and Bitz: mostly pics of the actual minis, spruces, mounting/painting. Not really a tutorial but a followed process, can help/inspire ppl on long-term projects.


- Paint Scheme Mk.#: where I'll be discussing the paint schemes and variations of it depending on the model.


- Fanfic Time!: here I'll write pure fluff related stuff for my chapter. It will be subdivided into smaller sections (ex: depositio miscella, misc stories reported from people getting into contact with the chapter)


- Rules for the rules god: this section will be more for the thought process than actual rules writing. I won't be writing a codex or anything, but while waiting for the 6thed Black Templars to come out, I want to adapt some rules to be both fair and closer to the fluff of the chapter. It will mostly be just updating old Templars to 6th Ed with small changes here and there, nothing game breaking. Need them rules to start playing shortly.


Before anyone starts bashing me, yes, some things might be borderline acceptable fluff-wise, but I am making this chapter for myself above else and I do not plan to play in any official tournaments with it.

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Any model discussion, be it WIP, complete, looking for feedback or just sharing, will fit in the PCA forum, in the WIP or Hall of Honor if finished work. You can also probably get feedback on the scheme itself in the Liber, which will be the ideal place to show off your Chapter. Most of the Liber is devoted to Chapter development(refining ideas, ironing out fluff contradictions, etc), rather than out-and-out stories, which have a home in the Black Library sub-forum. Lastly, the Tactica Astartes forums at the bottom of the site can help you with any rules you want to transpose to your Frozen Angels.

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