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Let's talk about BA: Thoughts & Questions


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Where I think the BA codex does fall flat is the HQ section. Captains are pretty rubbish, Reclusiarchs are fun but not the best option, librarians are a good force multiplier but die too easily for my liking, and apparently are 35 points more than they need to be. As for special characters, Mephy is an absolute beatstick but the lack of an invulnerable save and AP2 really hurts him. General consensus on Dante is that he's overpointed, and the power axe issue really stings him; any old sergeant with a powerfist has good odds of taking him down in a challenge. Seth I've not seen used much, and he's mostly for fluffy Flesh Tearer lists. Regular Tycho is ok, but DC Tycho is quite possibly the worst HQ in the book. Astorath has his place in DC heavy lists, but he suffers from axe-itis in the same way as Dante and is probably again on the expensive side. Finally the Sanguinor, most expensive single model in the book unless you start tooling up a land raider, I have never seen fielded outside of White Dwarf. He looks ok on paper, but again the points cost is biblically prohibitive.


This excellent food for thought. I previously used a regular libby with pack to augment an assault squad.


Thinking about it, I was spending 125pts to make an assault squad into more of a threat. 


I now use Mephiston, who is 125pts more, and a massive threat unto himself.

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Why has no one mentioned Corbs? I've been running this guy a lot lately and all my opponents hate him!


105 pts

2+ FNP combined with 2+ Look out sir, make this guy and the unit hes with immovable!

I usually put him with 5 hammernators, right at the front. He soaks up so much firepower its ridiculous!
I'd be taking this dude even without the S5 rending attacks and Far Seeing Eye...


The only downside I can see to him is the lack of jump pack but for everything else hes the bees.

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@Chaplain Admetus I've used Sanguinor in 1500pt competitive games. He's got a lot of the same characteristics as Mephiston... Powerful hitter, very mobile, hard to kill (2+/3++ EW), and easy to hide, while also acting as a bit of a force multiplier and not requiring any Psychic checks (important vs Eldar and sometimes 'nids). Given the wording of the FAQ you can also arm him with an Axe-Glaive for AP2, if that's a concern. I don't field him often (Mephy usually gets that honour), but he's not a bad HQ.


As for the rest of the HQ section, I agree with you for most of it... Captains, Reclusiarchs, DC Tycho, and Gabriel Seth are terrible to mediocre at best, Astorath and Dante are fine in themed armies but not worth it otherwise, Sanguinor and Capt. Tycho are serviceable, and the librarians (Mephy and normal) are our best shot. I usually find that normal Libbys are best used with shootier units... the various Divination powers are great when paired with a unit of Devastators or Sternguard and the libby itself provides a bit of CC punch to an otherwise completely lacklustre unit. In big games I could see running a bare or mostly-bare libby alongside some assault units, but I don't think I'd make him my warlord. Mephy on the other hand is big, scary, and fast enough to avoid things he doesn't want to tangle with. In any competitive game bigger than 750pts I'd run Mephy for sure, and I'd seriously consider him even below that.


For the most part I've found myself eschewing the use of any priests not named Corbulo in 6ed. That 75-90 points per priest just seem far more useful as extra bodies rather than a moderate increase in survivability for the bodies I already have. Toss in the extra KP they offer an opponent and I just don't find it worthwhile. Corbs adds enough extra benefits (2+ FNP, 2W, free reroll) that he's worth the investment, but I haven't been impressed with normal priests.


As for ASM vs GH, we pay an extra 4 pts/model (at 10-men, including the sergeant) compared to the Space Wolves. That, plus giving up a bolter, nets us 6" extra movement, the ability to effectively ignore intervening terrain, Deep Strike (with DoA), an Ld9 character, a 1/6 chance of getting Fearless and Furious Charge, plus Combat Squads. If they add a Drop Pod that drops the point difference down to half a point per model, plus adds another KP they can lose.

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I have to disagree strongly on Sanguinor. The T4 W3 part of his profile as well as the inability to hurt walkers and the fact that he can easily be locked in a challenge while lacking the  'oomph' that Mephiston has to chew through entire squads makes him sub par. 


Not having to take psychic test and the attack bubble is nice indeed, provided you have something to take advantage of it. Overall though there's too many ways for an opponent to deal with him to make it worth the insane price tag. 

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Why has no one mentioned Corbs? I've been running this guy a lot lately and all my opponents hate him!


105 pts

2+ FNP combined with 2+ Look out sir, make this guy and the unit hes with immovable!


I usually put him with 5 hammernators, right at the front. He soaks up so much firepower its ridiculous!

I'd be taking this dude even without the S5 rending attacks and Far Seeing Eye...


The only downside I can see to him is the lack of jump pack but for everything else hes the bees.


Only reason I dont run Corbs so much is because I play 1500pts mostly. And Mephiston gets the nod.

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I have to disagree strongly on Sanguinor. The T4 W3 part of his profile as well as the inability to hurt walkers and the fact that he can easily be locked in a challenge while lacking the  'oomph' that Mephiston has to chew through entire squads makes him sub par.

T4 W3 hurts, but IMO its made up for by his 3++ and EW. He's got S5 base, S6 with an Axe Encarmine (or Krak grenade) and +1S on the charge... true, he's not quite the same threat to walkers that Mephiston is, but he's better against most MCs and he doesn't just eat lascannon/melta/plasma shots or powerfist/thunderhammer/MC-smash hits. He's better in challenges than Mephiston (3++, EW and the option for AP2), and as far as oomph goes, they've got the same number of attacks, are often both hitting on 3's and wounding on 2's, and about the only thing Mephiston has over Sanguinor is a few rerolls. I won't always pay the 25pts difference for a sergeant upgrade, +1 Atk bubble, immunity to psychic defences, immunity to ID weaponry, and a native ability to deep strike, but I don't think its a terrible price to pay either. Especially if you're in a metagame where Eldar, 'nids and/or Rune Priests are common sights on the table.
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