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Flesh Tearers


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Hi fellow borthers, first time posting but have spent a long time peeking in form the shadows.


With the new rule book i have decided to re-do my FT army and handily the local store at the moment is running a campaign. I am looking to try and do a fluff but also competitive army. The first mission of the campaign has been completed and my army was as follows.






w/t JP

Force Sword / Bolt Pistol


Assault Squad 5 man

Plasma Gun (thinking of changing to a melta as then i can fire and assault)


DC 10 man

8 Bolt Pistol / Chain Swords

2 Bolt Pistol / Power Swords

Drop Pod


I played 2 games joined with C:SM nugle marines and we had a close loss to a Plasma heavy joint DA army. The second game was a sound victory agaisnt Inquisiton and Eldar


The next game is 600pt and my ideia is to bump the Assault Squad up to a 10 man with 2 melta guns now most likely or maybe give the Sgt a power sword.


This campaign gradualy goes up to 1000pt's, I am hoping to post my progress on here and how my FT army is coming along (any tip's/ ideia's would be great) and there progress through this campaign.


As an extra i have possibly the worst rolling luck you could possibly see and is of regular comedy value at the club. Yes i have changed my dice twice already.




So Game 2 has been completed.


I ended up teamed with a C:SM army and a C:GK facing C:Orks, C:DA and C:Eldar.


It was big guns never tire and been a assault army as the FT way managed to clear a few squads of Orks and DA tacticals in between the eldar smashing my army with AP3 blasts that stop cover saves.


My allies only succsess was the GK Stormraven taking out DA terminators and killing quiet a few orcs.


The 3rd game is coming up this saturday Mission is 750pts and Purge the Alien.


I am going to be taking the 600pt army this time with 2 melta guns in the assault sqaud and a Lightning claw on the Sgt (cudos to him last game he killed the DA libby at the same time the libby killed him)


With the extra points i am thinking of trying to either a DC dread or Furios or possibly another assault squad. (Yes the does mean i have only the abbility to assault but trying to do a fluff FT army so it is there way it seems)

Any opions on which would be best to take?

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