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rhino vs landraider


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Hi, so this is the scenario...

I have 4 squads of khorne breakers and 1 rhino. they get shot a lot. I could by a land raider, which would give one squad a fair chance of getting across the board and let them charge out, but will probably attract a lot of fire. or for about the same amount of money i could by two rhinos. they will still have to step out before they charge and the rhinos aren't as shooty or survivable, but at least my opponent has to chose which one to shoot aol the other squads might have a chance.


now ideal 2 land raiders would be better but i don't really wanna spend more than £50.


So what is the general concerns...are rhinos any good in 6th? How do i get more breakers in combat quicker?

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So a land raider and rhino plus two foot slogger squads of breakers is still a better option that three rhinos and one on foot? Oh and is the dread claw not available anymore? I remember reading in fluff about world eaters drop pads looking like blood drops raining from the sky...there's no way to represent that in the game then?
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So a land raider and rhino plus two foot slogger squads of breakers is still a better option that three rhinos and one on foot? Oh and is the dread claw not available anymore? I remember reading in fluff about world eaters drop pads looking like blood drops raining from the sky...there's no way to represent that in the game then?



In the actual codex? No, but we can still use the forgeworld rules.


The forgeworld rules have unfortunately been downgraded a little. It's no longer a dedicated transport, and takes up a valuable Fast Attack slot, and has flyer rules. The one thing that's good/unique about them, is that they can become ferries and be reused to reposition troops or other units (you can fit dreds, Terminators, Raptors, Warptalons, Mutilators, etc in them though you're limited by a capacity of 10 still-though only 1 dred of course), in action, it's sort of like the Covenant Drop Pods from Halo 4 (if you've played it)


Or...if your friends allow it, you can use Drop Pods and the Drop Pod assault rules(the ones like everyone not Vanilla Marines get the 10 man pods as Dedicated transports etc.) most people will agree to that, because literally ALL space Marines (...besides Grey Knights I guess) have access to Drop Pods. It's their primary way to getting to the fight.


Our group is looking to using a modified Force Organization chart anyways. 1-3 HQ and 3 Troops, plus whatever else you want at the points level. It makes playing with this codex particularly fun.

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It depends on your army build. In an army composed mostly (or entirely) of Berzerkers, a LR or two works great - they get your assault troops there, and provide a reasonable amount of firepower on the way (and even more once the troops have gotten out). I've used such a build a few times and it has worked well; the only problem is that it's a lot of points and takes up pretty valuable HS choices.


As for rhinos, I think they work best in mixed armies. Berzerkers have a real issue with having anything to do on the turn they disembark, so I've found that running a 1:1 mix of Berzerkers and CSM (with bolters and plasmas/meltas) means that you have something to do when your troops disembark, while the Berzerkers help dissuade counter assaults. It also gives you the points to grab some fire support, mainly havocs and/or heldrakes to suppress enemy shooting.


Hope that helps.

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Imperial Armour: Aeronautica has the latest rules for regular 40k (I believe Betrayal has them, too, but I'm not sure).

The main problem with Betrayal is costs, options and sometimes rules. For 40k, i would rather pick up rules from other books (apart from specific vehicles i would like to have like cerberus, IW basiliks ie BS 4, etc.. ) Rules for DreadClaw are in it (p 244) but not exactly the same as in IA Aeronautica. 


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I use one land raider with 8 berzerkers and Lord to spearhead straight to the biggest and the most important enemy unit, two rhinos with 10-man squads and either 20-man or two 10-man on foot. Lord charges out of LR by turn 2, while 2 squads disembarking from rhinos and suffer a turn of shooting (using rhinos as walls), and last two squads run after them. Next turn I usually have my lord's and two rhino squads quite beat up but ready to charge, and footsloggers either already there or on their way. I'm going to drop one 10-man squad to get the second LR though - berzerker's charge effectiveness against SM is incredible (Khârn and 8 'zerkers wipe 7-10 TH/SS terminators for me all the time).

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