Hamertime95 Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 Hey Just like to say this is my first attempt at a DIY chapter so things might not be great also sorry in advance for all the problems im having with copy and pasting it over making the writing a bit of a mess The Sun Striders Chapter Name: The Sun Striders Founding: 7th Founding Gene-Seed: Sanguinius Progenitor Chapter: Blood Angels Homeworld: Former “Valarian” Presently Fleet Based Chapter Master: Tirion Ignus Specialization: Fast moving hit and run tactics, love of flamer weaponry. Chapter Colours: Bone White with Orange and Red Legs and Shoulders with Gold Trim. Chapter Symbol: A blazing sun or Phoenix with upward wings Battle Cry: Sagnuiem, et ignem (Blood and Fire) or For Valarian! Motto: In fire we live, in ashes we are reborn. Status: Excommunicate Traitoris The Sun Striders could be argued as being arrogant and vain, spending much time on appearances of their armour and weapons before battle, however all their rituals are seen as essential in carrying out the Emperors work and their bravery, Valour and determination for the good of the Imperium and its people has never been in question. A report from Captain Erikus of The Angels Encarmine Origins The Sun Striders were officially created by the High lords of Terra during the 7th founding but they personally trace their History back almost 500 years before hand. The Sun Striders claim their heritage back to the Blood Angels where there Chapter Master Rhaegar was a Captain in a travelling fleet. The fleet was ambushed during a warp storm by Daemons and the small group of ships were all lost. A small section of some 30 marines managed to escape in Drop Pods and land upon a nearby planet, later to become their Homeworld Valarian. The surviving Marines were scattered across the planet and they soon came to meet the native population of humans on the Planet. Valarian is a medieval aged planet with many strong kingdoms controlling areas vast recourse and nature in a land predominantly mountainous and Volcanic or covered in huge deserts. The Marines soon regrouped and discovering no way of leaving the planet or sending a message out to the Imperium they quickly found their way into places of power amongst the kingdoms and brought them together under a united front, being led by then Captain Rhaegar of the 9th Company, the most senior surviving member of the Marine survivors. Daemons from the orbiting warp storms around the planet began to spawn on the planet led by the Daemon Prince Vel’kedranaok. The Marines began to train the warriors and knights of the population into an adaptable fighting force being able to quickly deploy and redeploy their forces to combat the daemon host, the natives picked up these tactics very quickly, something that heavily impressed the remaining marine forces.. Using hit and run tactics a drawn out war with the Daemons lasted for almost 490 years which escalated with the battle of Sky Rock where Rhaegar slew the Daemon Prince Vel’kedranaok but not without sustaining near fatal wounds, with the prince gone the Daemon spawn retreated back to the warp with Librarian Orisium closing the rifts behind them. With the warp Storms clearing above them a distress signal finally reaches Imperium forces and an Inquisition ship soon arrives. After extensive searching and trails the few remaining marines are cleared of any potential corruption and are permitted to rejoin their brothers. They however refuse instead proposing for a new Chapter to be founded to oversee the new sector. Despite Inquisition protests the idea was accepted and The Sun striders were created in the next 10 years during the 7th Founding. Captain Rhaegar became Chapter Master and was placed in Vulnerable Dreadnaught armour and led the Chapter for the next 1000 years before stepping down, he is still called upon in times of need for the sake of the Chapter but mainly is dormant in the main council chambers of the Fortress Monastery. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/ Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hamertime95 Posted February 2, 2013 Author Share Posted February 2, 2013 HomeworldValarian isroughly nine tenths the size of Terra and so the gravity is less as a result,this in conjunction with an unnatural level of oxygen on the planet has led tooversized wildlife notably in the Felmaygar, large birds with multiple colouredfeathers which make their nests high in the Volcanic mountains similar to thephoenix in Terran mythology. These birds with wing spans known to be as largeas 30 feet are worshipped by the native people of Valarian and are now theinspiration for much of the Sun Striders heraldry. The planetis scattered with large areas of tranquillity and plant life in between hugelandscapes of mountains and deserts. This has made the people of Valarian verydurable and the hard conditions as well as protective of their small safe havensamongst the uninhabitable areas on the planet. Geneseed and Recruitment The geneseedof The Sun Striders is taken from noble Sanguinius who is revered as a demi Godamongst the Chapter. The Flaw of Sanguinius is looked upon with both respectand pity, for it is stated that those who become prey to the flaw are giftedpersonally by Sanguinius but are unable to control the vast power bestowed uponthem. The death company have single handily saved the Chapter several times intheir darkest need but are almost imprisoned on one of the two circling moonsover Valarian. No other side effects have been noted in the geneseed except apale completion and a love of flying shared by their parent chapter. The recruitsof the Chapter are taken differently by the different social classes on theplanet, those of the noble households have tournaments and games of strength toshow their worth, whilst the poorer classes hunt great beasts native to theircontinent and bringing their hide to the Marines when they descend every 100years. The geneseed is known to take over a year to fully transform a humaninto one of The Sun Striders; they are bathed in fire which reacts with thechemicals involved in the process and are reborn anew as a battle brother, muchlike the Phoenix like creatures the natives worship. BeliefsThe ChapterVenerate Sanguinius often portraying him as a phoenix that will one day risefrom the ashes a return to lead all his sons towards their destiny. They havebeen heavily influenced by the religion of the natives who have since beentaught of the immortal God Emperor who they believe to be the Sun and theMarines are his angels flying or rather striding across the sky alongside it. They embodythe idea of being reborn in fire as the Chapter has been on the brink ofextinction 3 times and each time has been rebuilt in their minds stronger thanbefore. TheChaplains walk amongst the battle brothers reciting the pray which all brothersreplying with the second line. The Blood ofour father, of our people, demands justice, On fierywings we carry the Emperors wrath, Burn theheretic, Ignite thexenos, In ourfathers light we shall not falter, Faith is ourshield, Devotion oursword, ForSanguinius, For theEmperor! The numberof Chaplains in the Chapter is higher than usual and they have began to formtheir own cult of the Phoenix, a group only the higher members of the Chapterare aware of, although it is instilled subliminally to the younger recruitsduring the long changing process. Their beliefs are kept secret from all buttheir closest allies for fear of the Inquisition, who are already suspicious ofthe Chapter, from declaring them heretics. The SunStriders have a very good relationship with the citizens of the Imperium seeinggreat strength and potential in Humanity and believing it must be protected,they are more friendly towards humans and have been known to personally see toevacuations in the past. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/#findComment-3296821 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hamertime95 Posted February 2, 2013 Author Share Posted February 2, 2013 Deleted for multiple posts problems. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/#findComment-3296823 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hamertime95 Posted February 2, 2013 Author Share Posted February 2, 2013 Deleted for multiple posts problem Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/#findComment-3296826 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Veteran Sergeant Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 Quote adaptable fighting force using Adeptus Astartes tactics. Seems dangerous. Space Marine tactics revolve around being encased in power armor and being seven and a half foot tall biologically modified murder machines. Quote Captain Rhaegar became Chapter Master and was placed in Vulnerable Dreadnaught armour Poor guy. Homeworld: Quote Valarian is roughly nine tenths the size of Terra and so the gravity is less as a result, this in conjunction with an unnatural level of oxygen on the planet has led to... Probably sounds less clunky if you reword it to be two sentences. As it is, it's a run on. Quote The planet is scattered with large areas of tranquillity Scattered with what? Geneseed: Quote The geneseed is known to take over a year to fully transform a human into one of The Sun Striders; they are bathed in fire which reacts with the chemicals involved in the process and are reborn anew as a battle brother, much like the Phoenix like creatures the natives worship. As cool as this sounds, two things. Space Marines take a long time to mature. At the minimum four years from the start to finish with the implantation process. Remember, the gene seed doesn't just "turn them into" Space Marines. There's a ton of gene therapy and biological modification (surgery) involved. Plus, the whole "bathed in fire" "reacts with the chemicals involved in the process" is pretty vague and confusing. Plus it doesn't really make sense with the physiology of the Space Marine making process as we understand it. Quote has been rebuilt in their minds stronger than before. "rebuilt, in their minds, stronger than before. Commas change the whole meaning of that sentence. Though it's still kinda awkward, and I'd suggest rewriting it. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/#findComment-3296863 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavulg Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 Quote Chapter Name: The Sun StridersI really like the name. Quote Specialization: Fast moving hit and run tactics, love of flamer weaponry.Flamer weaponry requires you to get really close. That doesn't exactly lend itself to hit and run tactics. Quote Chapter Colours: Bone White with Orange and Red Legs and Shoulders with Gold Trim. Honestly, this sounds hideous (and let me guess: the feet are red, the shins are orange). But I may be wrong. The painters are still online (it's just that the links to them are down). http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/smp.php Quote Chapter Symbol: A blazing sun or Phoenix with upward wingsMakes sense. Quote their bravery, Valour and determination for the good of the Imperium and its people has never been in question.Which is why, of course, they've been excommunicated. Quote HistoryHonestly, I don't really like this history. Marines refusing to rejoin their chapter feels wrong, fighting and winning inside a warp storm feels wrong, and so many DIY authors write something like this I could tell you what was going to happen pretty much from the moment they crashed. On top of all this, it doesn't actually add much to the chapter - it doesn't change their character in the slightest. Having them be founded normally then take this place as a home world would achieve precisely the same effect. Also, why on earth did you put all of this in multiple posts? Quote Each Company Captain is titled a Fire Lord with a council of the Lords as well as the High priest, High Chaplain and Chief Librarian coming together to form the council of the thirteen. They decided any matters and vote for the next Chapter Master known as the Phoenix King upon the predecessor’s death, should for any reason a decision not be made, the original Phoenix King Rhaegar is awakened from his slumber in Dreadnought armour to decided on matters. Why wouldn't they fight it out in a tournament or something? Let poor Rhaegar stay dead. Also, "King" isn't a title I've ever seen used in the Imperium - I suspect it's because it might look like it was competing with the Emperor. Quote taking a new name and leading the fabled Paladins of Vaul,OK, the Eldar are cool and all, but with Phoenixes and Vaul together you're going too far. Quote Later HistoryThis whole thing feels arbitrary as hell. That, and "on the run for a crime they didn't commit" doesn't really add much to your chapter. * * * Fix the formatting. Dear God, fix the formatting. I like the name, and I like many of the elements. I can't say I'm a fan of the Phoenix imagery, just because I've seen it before (and because you put it on a lot of things). Ditto for several of the other elements. There were some touches of personality at the start, but not much through the rest of it. What's the chapter like? Who are they as people? What defines them as Marines, personality-wise? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/#findComment-3297359 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Uaronain Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 I do not have a whole lot to add as much has already been written;don’t let any of this discourage you though. Everyone here wants to see youfinish your DIY chapter. My DIY is not even finished and it has been editedcountless times! Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/#findComment-3297426 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hamertime95 Posted February 2, 2013 Author Share Posted February 2, 2013 Ok thanks for the early input guys as said I'm kinda new to this and is all a work in progress. One didn't realise I had so much elder stuff in my chapter having never read any of there fluff. I guess it's come from my love of high elves in fantasy and not realising that some names would cross over so will get around to changing that :) Next my computer settings when writing haven't been great and Im quite busy at the moment so will get around to changing the format. I thought the posts had a word limit and I coudnt fit it in is it possible to delete posts and re post it in the first post? Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/#findComment-3297432 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Olis Posted February 2, 2013 Share Posted February 2, 2013 Only Mods and Admins can delete posts. Fraters can edit their own stuff to their heart's content but cannot delete posts. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/#findComment-3297437 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Octavulg Posted February 3, 2013 Share Posted February 3, 2013 There IS (or was) a word limit on posts. It's something like 10,000 words, IIRC. If you hit it writing an IA, you're doing it WRONG.<br /><br />The format is, I believe, because you wrote it up in Word. Don't do that. Use Wordpad. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/#findComment-3297592 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hamertime95 Posted February 3, 2013 Author Share Posted February 3, 2013 Ah ok will get round to putting it all into one post in the coming days. Gonna change the formatting and sort out some grammar and sentence errors that's been spotted. Are there any more clear errors in my fluff that isn't right? And thanks for the advice from everyone should see some changes in a day or two. Link to comment https://bolterandchainsword.com/topic/270668-sun-striders-wip/#findComment-3297623 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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