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Of Chaos Marines and Drop Pods


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Simple question: in a friendly game, would you guys allow them?

My reasoning:

Cost the same as a Rhino, which Chaos Marines still get.

Chaos has the (over-priced points wise) FW Dreadclaw already, which uses DP rules on the initial entrance, so there is precedent there.

Much is made in the fluff of the degradation over time of certain pieces of kit which is why Chaos
Marines don't get plasma cannons et al but a drop pod is hardly a
technological marvel. You point a warship's belly to the planet
and pull the trigger....

Fluff (albeit in the form of BL books) states that they use them.


Was thinking of them just as a regular Chaos Marine delivery system -
after all, my lads are armed like Grey Hunters anyway (twin special weapons) and if the
Wolves can do it.....

Not really looking for anything dirty or potentially game-breaking anyway, just as an option.

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Chaos has the (over-priced points wise) FW Dreadclaw already

It was also overpriced money-wise. 88£ for a drop pod, yeah, you better remove that nonsense from your website, FW.


Simple question: in a friendly game, would you guys allow them?

Yeah. I clearly would.

Now that the dreadclaw vanished from FW, we can hope getting a cheaper one with a WD uptade. That would be awesome beyond words.

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The dreadclaw is a flyer, it can deepstrike, hover and it can pick up a unit too if you want. i have actually found that very useful. it can carry 10 infantry, 5 terminators or 3 very bulky models (with room for another infantry) it does not however have the inertial guidance system and they do not have drop pod assault. 


on a side note they are wonderfully easy to convert. just turn the fins of a drop pod upside down and you have a dread clay

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Like Henry said Dreadclaws are far more superior then Sm Pods.


They are Flyers, Meaning that they can come in play in fly mode, so foes needs 6's to it, and it still gets a jink save.


You are afraid of DS mishap?, make it land somewhere safe, even if its far from the combats, in your shooting phase, you can zoom 24" and redeploy!


Its an assault vehicle with frag launchers.


Only down side is that unlike SM Pods it comes on turn 2, so you can't assault before turn 3.


Last week i had a question regarding the Dreadclaw, i got an answer that they will make a futur FaQ about Dreadclaws.


So i don't know if it will be soon or anything, but seeing that FW actually makes improvements and changes in their faqs, unlike GW, maube the Pod Assault, Inertial Dampering and Dedicated transport, will be in it.


After all Dreadclaws is still used in the HH book and there is still people who have the models.

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HAHA, i knew i'd seen it, just found this in an faq



The Dreadclaw and any unit assigned to be transported by it will always begin the game

in Reserve. When the Dreadclaw becomes available from Reserve, it is deployed using the

Drop Pod rules, and in subsequent turns may use the Flyer Hover Mode rules as

presented in the Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse rules and the Apocalypse rules index

sections of various Imperial Armour books.




i read that as it moves off things that make it mishap. 

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Simple question: in a friendly game, would you guys allow them?

Definitely. The amount of new builds it could potentially open up would be lots of fun for everyoneof us, I don't play in an competitive environment so there's no fear of leniency being abused.

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HAHA, i knew i'd seen it, just found this in an faq



The Dreadclaw and any unit assigned to be transported by it will always begin the game

in Reserve. When the Dreadclaw becomes available from Reserve, it is deployed using the

Drop Pod rules, and in subsequent turns may use the Flyer Hover Mode rules as

presented in the Warhammer 40,000 Apocalypse rules and the Apocalypse rules index

sections of various Imperial Armour books.




i read that as it moves off things that make it mishap. 


Where did you find this FaQ?, because on the FW site there is nothing about Dreadclaws except for the vehicles update they made to give PC's to those( and other infos who are incomplete and missing...)


Because this Drop Pod rules thing, is in an older IA book, and its now superseded by the latest rules of the Dreadclaw, wich are in the Aeronautica Imperialis Book, with all the flyers and anti-flyers stuffs.


And those rules are; must be in reserve, comes into play using DS rules, and can moves normaly in the following turns.


EDIT; Nevermind, its the old FaQ, now that i see that it says that the Dreadclaw follows the flyer rules per the Apocalypse rulebook.


Now Dreadclaws are flyers/hover following the 6th Ed Rulebook, wich is quite diffirent then the Apoc rules about flyers.

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No, the assault vehicle rule does not overshadow the no-assault-when-arriving-from-reserves, but in subsequent turns you have an AV12 flyer(hover) assault vehicle to use, which is missing in the codex...

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yeah thing is , the dreadclaw is eating every flyers and aegis gune emplacment your opponent has before they land and unlike sm you can just help with that by runing 4-5 pods , because dreads are FA and you already should have 2 slots full with drakes or bikes.

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Yes it is a shame they are fast attack, as I would really like to support my dreadclaw's with other fast attack slots. Maybe just best to leave them for 2k games, or as the OP suggests, and ask your opponents permission to use normal drop pods to spice things up a little.
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Maybe they'll get an update when they get new models? Perhaps they'll be dedicated transports! biggrin.png

...well, one can dream, can't he?

That isn't that far-fetched. Well, kinda, because we're Chaos and Chaos always ends up with rules made to be significantly worse than their imperial counterparts, but there's hope.

In the new GW flyer supplement (unlikely) or the next FW update, I'd say.

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I've been using normal drop pods (and indeed, Land Raider variants) since some point during 5th edition, and so far it's worked a treat. Suddenly you have actual tactical flexibility, rather than 'ho hum, time to march up the table and get shot at again'.



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