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Vector strike and mixed saves


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Hey all,


I was looking for some clarification on something.


My Heldrake vector strikes a unit of Long Fangs with a Wolf Guard in Termie armor... now can the Wolf Guard tank all the hits due to mixed saves since he was the first model the 'Drake made contact with during the flyover OR does the unit just suffer randomized hits? 


ANY comments are appreciated, and thanks for your time,



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"Page 43 – Special Rules, Vector Strike.

Change the second paragraph to read “When Swooping, this model may savage its prey. At the end of the Movement Phase, nominate one unengaged enemy unit the model has moved over that turn. This unit may even be an enemy Flyer. That unit takes D3+1 hits, resolved at the model’s unmodified Strength and AP3, using Random Allocation. Against vehicles, these hits are resolved against the target’s side armour. No cover saves are allowed against these hits.", BRB FAQ


The rules for Random Allocation are in the BRB on pg.15.


tl;dr - Yes, if the Wolf Guard model is randomly selected as the target of the Vector Strike he can tank all the wounds until he dies.

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