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Servants of Decay


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So i've been reading Vraks 3 recently and im liking the servants of decay list. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with it? 

i was thinking of allying some servants to my nurgle marines. i particularly like the look of the plague ogryn, the rogue psykers and the gun turret with the vanquisher cannon (big ol' ap2 piece of nastiness) also the heavy weapons squads with chemical mortars (48 inch blast poison (2+) ap3)  


what do you guys think? 

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I dont seem to be getting much response so i figure i should just write my own. I used the rogue psykers of nurgle for the first time today and the artillery strike. both were good. its nice having a large blast ap3 that the opponent can't touch. the psykers were good, giving little bonuses to my own side and some nasty penalties to the other. one of them had an ap2 shooting attack which was nice to have. 

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I sometimes use the Servants of decay list I usually go large blobs of mutants rabbles with a few pskyers and preachers or a Hellhounds never really used heavy weapons squads or most of  etc just more large blobs of guys , it is actually quite a good list hopefully Forgeworld updates it for 6th like how they did the armoured battlegroup in the imperial guard FW book I would probably try doing an all servants of decay list though I reckon it would be awesome if you could take a couple choices fro the CSM dex like some of the tanks you can take as a heavy support choice as I would really like take a sorcerer with defiler and helldrake without having to take allies (taking Plague marines as troops would be nice as well)

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