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Elites counts as troops choice in FOC confusion


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I do not know if this has been discussed before, if so please link it. If not, well my question is this:


In the C:SM dex you have the following wording:

"In a primary detachment that includes Typhus, Plague Marines are troops choices instead of elites."


Likewise for Khârn you have the similar wording giving Berzerkers as troops choices.


Now, given that in a maxed out FOC you can have two HQ choices in the primary detachment does this mean that you could have 3 squads of Berzerkers and 3 squads of Plagues Marines (or any ratio of the two) as troops choices; leaving the 3 elites slots completely free for whatever you want to fill them with?


Potentially this means you could field 60 Berzerkers and 60 Plague Marines before you even get to the elites slot. BTW I only use 'zerkers and PM as example as I am going down the Nurgle allied to Khorne route.


Anyone any ideas? Thanks in advance for any answers. 

I'm going to base this off of the precident from the GK Codex (Yes I see the irony). 

If you take Coteaz and Crowe for your HQ's then both Purifiers and Henchmen are counted as troops.  Or taking Draigo and Crowe, both purifiers and paladins are troops. 


I hope this helps to answer your question.

i am unaware of this being discussed before but it may well have been so i'll defer to the more knowledgeable among the community if proven otherwise, but i'd say that this is a loophole. if taken as worded, yes you can do this, as there is nothing in the faq that covers this. however, don't be surpised if this is changed to reflect who your warlord is (ie you'll have to choose between your khorne lord or nurgle lord as to which becomes troops and which stays as elites). as i say, i haven't heard it before but i'd say base it on your warlord to keep things balanced. just my interpretation though. 

https://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2940043a_Chaos_Space_Marines_v1.1_JANUARY13.pdf link included so you can go can take a look yourself (as i'm tired and may have missed something). 

  On 2/5/2013 at 1:50 AM, leinmann said:

i am unaware of this being discussed before but it may well have been so i'll defer to the more knowledgeable among the community if proven otherwise, but i'd say that this is a loophole. if taken as worded, yes you can do this, as there is nothing in the faq that covers this. however, don't be surpised if this is changed to reflect who your warlord is (ie you'll have to choose between your khorne lord or nurgle lord as to which becomes troops and which stays as elites). as i say, i haven't heard it before but i'd say base it on your warlord to keep things balanced. just my interpretation though. 

https://www.games-workshop.com/MEDIA_CustomProductCatalog/m2940043a_Chaos_Space_Marines_v1.1_JANUARY13.pdf link included so you can go can take a look yourself (as i'm tired and may have missed something). 


Pretty sure this is how it was intended. Regardless if it wasn't then GK would've been FAQ'd as well as this would be an issue for them as well.

The thing you need to remember is that once you take them as troops, they are no longer elites.  In the example of Corteaz and Crowe, Henchmen and Purifiers are now troops for your army, so cannot take extra Purifiers in elite slots because they now count as only troops for your army when the Crowe tax is paid.



Yes, they may no longer be elites but the units when troops would not lose their special rules or equipment.


EG: a scoring unit of Plague Marines camping on an objective in the middle of difficult/dangerous terrain equipped with blight grenades, toughness, etc..


now that would be tough to shift..


At least that is my understanding of it. And with 3 elites slots to fill you could maybe say fill them with 3 units of terminators with MoN, deepstrike them into the enemy rear and you got one hell of a hammer/anvil scenario.


Rules gurus feel free to correct me if i'm wrong..

There's not really much here to correct. It's not some trick or loophole. It's written in the codex, plain as day, and similar scenarios have existed for many years. The Ork codex has Meganobz, Nobz, Warbikers and Deff Dreads as Troop choices with certain characters and is 5 years old now. There may be other earlier examples too.

It's also worth pointing out that none of them get any cheaper in regard to points, I think you might struggle to get your hypothetical 120 cult troops into an army with any support.


120 Berzerkers plus Khârn (or stand-in) with no support seems like a one trick pony.


But yeah you can do it, so can Logan Grimnar with Wolf Guard, or Belial & Sammael.



  On 2/5/2013 at 11:53 AM, Morollan said:

There's not really much here to correct. It's not some trick or loophole. It's written in the codex, plain as day, and similar scenarios have existed for many years. The Ork codex has Meganobz, Nobz, Warbikers and Deff Dreads as Troop choices with certain characters and is 5 years old now. There may be other earlier examples too.


There is indeed. The old CSM codices from 3rd edition had this as well. 


And if you don't want to pay for Special Characters a Lord (or Sorcerer if you favour Tzeentch) with the correct mark will do the trick.


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