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What are your movie and video game influences?


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I don't know if they have been influences as such but I certainly love the Resident Evil series for the mutations (and if i'm totally honest, Mila), 28 days later for the bleeding eyes/rage. Classics like Evil Dead, the series Walking Dead. Jeepers, anything with Zombies in it.

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The Fly and the Thing are both inspiring movies for my Death Guard; body Horror is a delicious trope that well suits the mutant children of Nurgle. Several of my Death Guard sport insectile mutations, while a stranger profusion of fangs, claws, barbs and tentacles are in evidence among my spawn (obviously), greater daemons and zombies.


I also enjoy movies about disease- the spreading panic and desperation is amusing. Not just movies like 28 Days later, either- older works such as Outbreak and Andromeda Strain are good for galvanizing servants of the Plague Lord.

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That's actually a really interesting question. Because I've never been a huge fan of the boring bloated green Nurgle shindig, I look more to the twisted mutations and rusty blood vibe. Because of this, my primary influence for my Nurgle Marines is Silent Hill. Nothing does blood and rust better than them :p


As for my mutations as well as zombies, I look to The Thing and Dead Space for inspiration there because I find it to be far more interesting and cool than simply zombietastic. Just my two copper skulls.

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I tend not to look to various things like that for inspiration - mostly, it's creativity from seeing what other people have done and seeing what I think I am capable of!


Not to say that there are great things to be gleaned - but I prefer to always try and be original!

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