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Update Nurgle DP WIP


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Posted some wips of my stuff in the Work in Progress area. But I figured I would post some of the finished product here in the Nurgle Forums. I should have some finished Death Guard coming shortly. Thanks for looking!! Have a good day biggrin.png





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Thanks for the feedback guys!! Even the Jersey Shore reference hehe!! Well here are some Death Guard I finished up tonight. thumbsup.gif




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forgive my ignorance.. but are these forgeworld or gw plague marines?

Looks like FW Death Guard torsos and shoulder guards, rest from the regular GW chaos marine sprue.


Entry1 - What paint/wash colors and order of painting did you use? Love them :D

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My only issue with the plague marines is that they should have plague knives (though I'm old school like that), plague chainswords work too I guess :D


Great pre heresy style paint scheme, nice open sores too. Plague bearers look awesome too.

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forgive my ignorance.. but are these forgeworld or gw plague marines?

Looks like FW Death Guard torsos and shoulder guards, rest from the regular GW chaos marine sprue.

Entry1 - What paint/wash colors and order of painting did you use? Love them biggrin.png

Hey thanks for the feedback guys, If all goes well I should have some new models posted soon. Real Life is ruining my hobby time haha!! Any rate the models were primed white and preshaded with Tamiya Flat Earth with an airbrush off its very similar color to graveyard earth but any earthy brown will work. I then transitioned to Vallejo Model Air Sand Yellow using lateral strokes with the brush. From the top of the model I sprayed it with Vallejo Model Air white to hit the high points. I mixed some glaze medium in with the points to help transition the color and provide some transparency to the paint which helped achieve shadows.

Once all that was said and done I made a filter using Delvun Mud and Vallejo Glaze Medium prob 50/50 and covered the model. Finally I went in and lined the recesses of the model with delvun mud straight from the pot. I finished it off with lining high points of

the model in white. Hope that helps take care everyone

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys posted this in WIPS but I figured I would drop it here and update my original thread...Real Life has been getting in the way of my beloved hobby so I had to put it on the back burner.  Any rate found some time to work on my Nurgle DP, GUO, and build some bikes.  C&C is welcome!!  Thanks for looking

Daemon Prince


Great Unclean One





Biker Lord





Biker Champion





Melta Biker




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Awesome work!

That red-winged DP is majestic, and your bikers have a real Road Warrior feel. Those are Ork Chopper bits, right?

Thanks!!  And you are correct those are Orc Bikes...

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey everyone, here is my second squad of Death Guard, they are pretty much finished save some small details, pigments and blood.  Thanks for looking and as always C&C is much appreciated...









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Oh god, this morning is killing me! Every thread I enter in Morbidus causes me to die of envy a little.


Firstly, the plaguebearers are sharp, I was going to say that I love the purple of their eyes. Then I continued. The first three Death Guard blew me away, the white / green of the original legion is JUST dirty enough, yet it remains true to their roots. Again, the purple details just made me smile (purple is one of my favorite colours, so I love to see it incorporated into darker themed armies without going over the top) and I'm really really impressed.


Moving along we get to your WIP stuff. The Daemon Prince loots good, I can't wait to see the details that you bring to the fore with your paint work. The wings look sharp too! I have always wanted a FW GUO model, and I always love seeing the finished product! he Biker Lord's nurgle symbol on the front of the bike is awesome! The Ork Bikes are hit or miss for me. On one hand they are suitably dishevelled for a chaos bike, on the other hand they are a little too ramshackle for my tastes (I play Orks for that). I mean I personally think Marine Bikes gussied up in suitably nurgle fashion, ala your Lord, would be a better fit. Just my opinion.


Now we are on to your second batch of PM's. I like how you used the Maxmini backpacks, inspiring. The mutations look sharp, especially with your use of the aforementioned gorgeous purple of yours. But what really gets me is the cracks! Those are just...mind blowingly good.


I have to echo the sentiments of others here and request, nay, DEMAND that you make us a walkthrough of how you get those results! I might just strip my entire army and try it your way, haha! No but really.. I might.

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Thanks for the feedback guys its much appreciated, as far as the cracks go its terribly easy.  I just painted the models basecoat  from graveyard earth, bleached bone to white  gave it a quick satin glaze.  Once dried I used a water based "Crackle Paint" its a two part process used on pottery that gives it a weathered crackle effect.  From there I  shaded the model with brown ink in just the recesses and all done.  The model is ready for final highlight and detail work.  Hope that helps, sorry don't have much time to go into more detail.  Have a good day!! Feel free to post or pm me with any further questions.




P.S.  Ravenfeld is right the backpacks are MaxMini, they come in packs of 6, I found mine on Ebay!!  Cheers

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P.S.  Ravenfeld is right the backpacks are MaxMini, they come in packs of 6, I found mine on Ebay!!  Cheers


Doh, that's was what I meant! I picked them up from the MaxMini stand at an event - think they're great. They'll be on the back of my Autocannon armed Havoc Squad.


The blood effect on the GuO is supreme - well done!

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