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Update Nurgle DP WIP


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P.S.  Ravenfeld is right the backpacks are MaxMini, they come in packs of 6, I found mine on Ebay!!  Cheers


Doh, that's was what I meant! I picked them up from the MaxMini stand at an event - think they're great. They'll be on the back of my Autocannon armed Havoc Squad.


The blood effect on the GuO is supreme - well done!


Sure you did Chaeron *wink*


I like the GUO, although I am conflicted on the blood. On the one hand it looks great, gooey, and thick. On the other hand.. I just picture that much blood being more Khornate, and the GUO being more puss and bile.. just a personal preference.

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My Nurgle DP is almost finished, just need to clean up the wings/bone areas, add some gore and finish the details.  I'm overall pretty pleased with the conversion and the paint job so far.  It will just be a shame when he is shot to pieces in the first turn or insta-killed by a Rail Shot to the face.  Thanks for looking everyone












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