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A few rules question


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Recently in a game I used an agisis defense line for the first time with a quad auto cannon. My opponent had the first turn and in his shooting phase managed to kill the autocannon, would this grant my opponent first blood or do fortifications not grant first blood?


Next in the same game he attempted to use a psychic power on my dreadnought. My question here is two fold, can vehicles attempt to deny the witch? If not what if I had a psychic hood with in 6 inches would that allow me to attempt a deny the with roll with my Libby?


Thanks for all your help!

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Recently in a game I used an agisis defense line for the first time with a quad auto cannon. My opponent had the first turn and in his shooting phase managed to kill the autocannon, would this grant my opponent first blood or do fortifications not grant first blood?

"The first unit, of any kind, to be removed as a casualty during the game is worth 1 Victory Point to the opposing player at the end of the game.", BRB, pg.122

An Aegis Defense Line (including a Quadgun) is Terrain, not a Unit.

Next in the same game he attempted to use a psychic power on my dreadnought. My question here is two fold, can vehicles attempt to deny the witch? If not what if I had a psychic hood with in 6 inches would that allow me to attempt a deny the with roll with my Libby?

"If a Psychic Power is targeted on an enemy unit, and the Psychic Test is passed, the target can attempt to Deny The Witch before the Psychic Power is resolved.", BRB, pg.68

So yes, the Dreadnought can attempt to Deny The Witch.

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