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Most human/humane Traitor Legion or Warband

Wade Garrett

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There are several threads devoted to which lapdogs of the Corpse God are the kindest and most compassionate, but none for the Legions of the Eye and Maelstrom. That problem is now corrected.


So, who do you pick? My choices are:


The Death Guard, because they love everybody, in an "I'm going to inflict awful diseases on you that will make you a nauseating abomination" way.


The Word Bearers, because they offer everyone the chance to participate in the joyful worship of Chaos Undivided.


The Alpha Legion, because they actually feed their operatives and cult troops regularly and give them more than shanks made from tin cans to fight the PDF with.

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The Cleaved. I mean, come on. Just look at the descriptor in their little box.


"Call with all your soul, little one. Call and we shall answer."


That and they answered the call of mortal insurrectionists, beat back the Imperials and then gave the planet to the insurrectionists. How many Chaos Marines do you know of that give away anything other than death?

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That and they answered the call of mortal insurrectionists, beat back the Imperials and then gave the planet to the insurrectionists. How many Chaos Marines do you know of that give away anything other than death?

Certainly a worthy option.

Then we have the Blood Gorgons, who fought the Dark Eldar and a corrupt Imperial Cardinal to protect their recruiting worlds, and even rescued a unit of Imperial Guardsmen while doing so.

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But they also sacrificed the very natives they recruited from just to distract the Death Guard and Nurgle forces on the planet so just one Blood Gorgon could sneak inside of the Hive in order to steal transport back to their space hulk. Although I can't say I recall the Guard regiment.........
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The 34th Riverine Amphibious Assault Regiment, aka CAJUNS IN SPAAAACE!


They blew up a defense cannon the Gorgons's cult troops were using to stymie the Imperial war effort, then the Cardinal in charge ordered them and the planetary population butchered.


Whereupon the Gorgons said "Hey, want to help us kill the Cardinal, then become a piratical warband called the Ironclad allied with our Chapter?"

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Well it cant be any of the legion forces , because they never were very human to begin with[and those that were , were mostly terran and those mostly went loyalist and are dead now]. As post heresy era goes , the problem with renegades is that they dont have the resources to act/think human , on top of the am a super soldier whos "humanity" ended at 12-13 year old. There is Huron and he was "human" back when he was just a mad pirate dude. Now he is a mad chaos lord whos force is smaller only then that of abadon and on that scales something like human doesnt exist.


In general no marines are even close to being human. Being cut out of sociaty at the age of 12-13 , psycho indoctrinated and all , they dont realy relate to normal people . there are some that try and some that cheat the whole thing , but all those are rather rare.

chaos marines are all that + warp crazed .

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Night Lords in last novels are quite humane. They think like humans, talk like humans, even insult each other like humans. Not that they are good ones, but still closer to humans than anyone else.

And prey tell what they do to anyone who is their enemy? I'm sure they don't tickle them with feathers... teehee.gif

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Night Lords in last novels are quite humane. They think like humans, talk like humans, even insult each other like humans. Not that they are good ones, but still closer to humans than anyone else.

And prey tell what they do to anyone who is their enemy? I'm sure they don't tickle them with feathers... teehee.gif

Of course they tickle them with feathers...Razor sharp feathers.

As for the most humane not very many if any Alpha Legion maybe out of most of them.

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Night Lords in last novels are quite humane. They think like humans, talk like humans, even insult each other like humans. Not that they are good ones, but still closer to humans than anyone else.


Of course it should be considered that these Nightlords were of the delusional emo variant. The majority of the Legion is quite a bit less sentimental.

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Night Lords in last novels are quite humane. They think like humans, talk like humans, even insult each other like humans. Not that they are good ones, but still closer to humans than anyone else.

There's a difference between "human" and "humane." Sure, maybe they acted more like humans, what with their jokes and ribbing, petty squabbles and sentiment towards one another, but "humane?" Since when do humane people flay, torture, then butcher an entire colony just to send the pained death throes of a whole mess of psykers thru the warp into an Imperial auspex network, and throw the rest, skinless, into pits to die from exposure?

Of course it should be considered that these Nightlords were of the delusional emo variant. The majority of the Legion is quite a bit less sentimental.

I'd hardly say they were delusional or emo. Well, no more delusional than any other warband who wants to see the Imperium fall. They don't cut themselves just to see if they still feel a la NIN, they don't lock themselves in their rooms and write morbid poetry all day. They killmaimburn because it's what they do, and they feel betrayed because they WERE. Rather than turn that inward and mope and whine (aka be emo) they get all hyperviolent and seek bloody vengeance. If anything they're the opposite of emo, they're so manic it's ridiculous. lol They could easily just slink off, lick their wounds, find a planet on the assend of the eastern fringes and leave everyone alone, but they don't.

I ran a little farther with that than planned...whistlingW.gif

edit: I am my own grammar nazi

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Well, the indoctrination fades out after some time. Most loyal SM don't live long enough to reach that point, but the traitor often do (even more so when they are legionnaires), which means they are able to understand more clearly what being human means.

The legions are only focused on war-related stuff. We know they use humans in their armies, so it's safe to assume they aren't maniacs who kill everything on sight.

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Night Lords in last novels are quite humane. They think like humans, talk like humans, even insult each other like humans. Not that they are good ones, but still closer to humans than anyone else.

There's a difference between "human" and "humane." Sure, maybe they acted more like humans, what with their jokes and ribbing, petty squabbles and sentiment towards one another, but "humane?" Since when do humane people flay, torture, then butcher an entire colony just to send the pained death throes of a whole mess of psykers thru the warp into an Imperial auspex network, and throw the rest, skinless, into pits to die from exposure?


Of course it should be considered that these Nightlords were of the delusional emo variant. The majority of the Legion is quite a bit less sentimental.

I'd hardly say they were delusional or emo. Well, no more delusional than any other warband who wants to see the Imperium fall. They don't cut themselves just to see if they still feel a la NIN, they don't lock themselves in their rooms and write morbid poetry all day. They killmaimburn because it's what they do, and they feel betrayed because they WERE. Rather than turn that inward and mope and whine (aka be emo) they get all hyperviolent and seek bloody vengeance. If anything they're the opposite of emo, they're so manic it's ridiculous. lol They could easily just slink off, lick their wounds, find a planet on the assend of the eastern fringes and leave everyone alone, but they don't.

I ran a little farther with that than planned...whistlingW.gif

edit: I am my own grammar nazi

Well I mean if we really look at it, humans have been flaying, torturing, and butchering colonies since well... forever. To ruin Imperial communications? Maybe not forever.

And if I am not mistaken, Talos did actually lock himself in his room and write his prophecies on the walls. But as I am quick to point out usually, Talos is not the soul of the legion by any means.

Most human? Maybe. The Night Lords are the worst of human culture (except maybe at the starts of the legion when it still had Terran memebers, and those that remembered the Night Haunters reign in blood). Made up of rapists, murderers, thieves, crooks, ray lewis, Freddys and Jasons.

Humane. Nope.jpeg. Though sometimes they can show mercy and compassion.

My vote for most humane and still humanish traitor legion? The Alpha Legion. We will treat you as low level employees instead of slaves - and you probably won't get mutated unless you want to be- o and a free tattoo. Best deal yet.

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It really does seem like the cleaved are a contender for the most humane, but given their appearance, possibly one of the least human. I wish there was more information about them, the snippets in the codex are fascinating.

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In general, the best a mortal is probably going to get from a Traitor Marine is either the regard one gives to a favored tool, or a degenerate worldview that twists the meaning of humane into something terrible and vicious, or the momentary mercy that arises from a sudden fit of pathos.


Because Chaos is objectively Bad in this setting. We are playing Bad Guys.

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In general, the best a mortal is probably going to get from a Traitor Marine is either the regard one gives to a favored tool, or a degenerate worldview that twists the meaning of humane into something terrible and vicious, or the momentary mercy that arises from a sudden fit of pathos.


Because Chaos is objectively Bad in this setting. We are playing Bad Guys.


Have to say give me an example of the good guys in the 40k universe... :)

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If the Black Crusade RPG is anything to go by then the most human-friendly CSM aren't part of any warband. The "Forsaken" (CSM loners and outcasts) and lesser Chaos followers seem to get along rather well:


"Their independent attitudes often make them more willing to admit that there are certain tasks human Heretics can accomplish that the Forsaken cannot. Though he is always mindful of his own goals and continuously works towards them, these attitudes may make him more likely to be a part of human warbands"

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While a battle brother of the Blood Gorgons did use a primitive tribal army being massacred by the Death Guard as a distraction to infiltrate a hive, that massacre was going down no matter what he did.


The four warriors who led the insurgency on Solo-Baston trained and equipped their Carnibales levies fairly well by Chaos standards, and they were helping the native people resist the kill/loot/enslave campaign of a scumbag Cardinal with ties to Rogue Traders.

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