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How useful is Huron?


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I've been playing my old Alpha Legion army, that is totally foot slogging infantry. It was built back in the days of 4th Ed codex when you could add infiltrate to your entire army. So my question is, stick with my Lord decked out with combi flamer and black mace, or use Huron, so I can get infiltrate, plus of course his other fun toys.


The lord build is only 10 points less than Huron goes for, so finding the points in my list is not a bid deal. I'm tossing around the pros the cons. Black Mace get the +1D6 attacks, combat familiar gets +4 attacks. Familiar also gives random psychic power, and I have never played with a psycker in 40k at all. Are the new powers, and the addition of "deny the which" still a good option in the game? Black Mace has proven pretty fun and affective, and 2 out of 3 games, did it's job well. Combi flamer is if course a one shot deal, and Huron's claw is all game, and at S5. You have the option of the claw vs normal infantry, or the axe vs terminators.


I figured, even if I only roll 1 unit to infiltrate, I can choose to make that Huron and his unit (10 CSM with x2 flamers, and ccw for all). At the very least that gets my main assault unit in closer to hopefully survive long enough to make it into combat. I just don't know how affective infiltrate even is anymore, now that you can't charge on the first turn. It's great if know I'm going second, I should definately get the charge, providing my opponent moved closer on their turn.


So does anyone have any expeience with Huron, and have any comments or advice on playing him?

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Murder sword get the +1D6 attacks, [...] has proven pretty fun and affective, and 2 out of 3 games, did it's job well.

Sorry to tell you, but the murder sword isn't a daemon weapon and doesn't get any extra attacks.

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Don't forget that infiltrate has a tactical advantage as well other than setting up closer to your enemy, even when going first you can wait to deploy important units to get better fire lanes and positioning. All in all Huron is a nice little gem, he's very useful...

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I like Huron quite a bit, tho I've been experimenting with the best ways to get him into combat. I've found that sticking him with some Chosen works really well for me. You could use Terminators, I guess, I just never get what i want out of them. Putting them in a transport requires a Land Raider and doubles the cost of the unit, and deepstriking is a complete mess due to the changes in how icons work. You could always outflank or infiltrate with them, but I always have better luck with the Chosen.

The internets will tell you that Chosen are no good, but they've always worked really well for me, all in all. You can do a freaking wall of flamers if you want, or hunt vehicles, or whatever. (oh and Huron's claw is S+2 Armorbane, so he's pretty good at dropping tracks, himself)


Anyway, I've found that attaching Huron to the Chosen squad and then outflanking/infiltrating with them makes for some pretty dangerous setups and gets him into the thick of it (where he needs to be) very quickly. Plus, if you give the Chosen MoS, everything goes on i5. Huron is also good at killing MEQs or TEQs because he can choose which weapon to swing (S+2 AP3 shred or S+1 AP2) and while his powers are random, they are almost all awesome. Just yesterday I gave his unit a 4+ invuln and relentless. Oh yeah.


He's very close combat oriented and you lose the Murder Sword, but I've rolled iron arm and ended up with S8 T7 power axe attacks and just brutalized an entire team of Deathwing Terminators. I've even killed Daemon Princes with him if you get the power that gives you bonus initiative. He's a beast, but he can be tricky, at the same time. Overall I love him on the table.


Edit: Murdersword rules derpfest removed.

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Well if you want to use terminators or stuff like that you kind of a have to take him . the buffs he has  are ok , he isnt a melee HQ , but he does get a good warlord trait . But in a world where every second army is runing a battlebrother SW rune priest infiltration kind of a sucks . For serious lists he aint reliable enough , 1 infiltration unit is not always enough and it forces us to take that 1 premium unit which works great with infiltration[terminators or something like a 14man csm squad] , but then we run in to SW and he is a lord without a warlord trait [or he is infiltrating havock and/or oblits].

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Can you infiltrate huron and his squad if you rolled one to see how many infiltrators you get? I was under the impression you would have to use one on huron and one on the squad? I could very well be wrong if so great huron just got awesomer for me.


I think huron is great I use him all the time. The ability to infiltrate up to 3 of your units can really tip the game in your favour. I like to hide up some chosen with 5 plasma guns and a combi plasma. They pretty much delete any of my opponents units in the first turn. They usually die soon after that but thats a turn shooting at them and not the rest of my army moving up.


I usually try to put huron in with my terminators and hide them up somewhere close to my opponents firing line/tanks. chainfists, combi meltas and hurons st 6 armourbane claw can be a serious problem in my enemies deployment zone.


The familiar is an awesome addition too. Theres not much more fun to be had than grabbing a dice at the start of you turn and finding out what awesome power you get to try out this turn. Its allmost allways insanely usefull and only sometimes not worth risking a double 1 or 6.


I would have liked to have seen maybe feel no pain (lets face it the dude is half machine and is in constant pain anyway) or a bit more toughness as i seem to loose him to instant death quite a bit. I know eternal warrior is too much to ask for in this edition... stingy 6th.


Yeah black mace is awesome fun but i roll way too many ones when i dont want too. Its also only ap 4 so agains MEQ/TEQ you might as well not have the extra attacks and go for a lower ap weapon (of which huron has a choice of ap3 or ap2).


All in all i think huron is great and would take him any day about a regular lord with a black mace

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Can you infiltrate huron and his squad if you rolled one to see how many infiltrators you get? I was under the impression you would have to use one on huron and one on the squad? I could very well be wrong if so great huron just got awesomer for me.


Infiltrate is one of those USRs that only model in a squad needs to have, and confers it to the rest.  So giving Huron infiltrate and attaching him a squad confers Infiltrate to the squad, and you're good to go.

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Can you infiltrate huron and his squad if you rolled one to see how many infiltrators you get? I was under the impression you would have to use one on huron and one on the squad? I could very well be wrong if so great huron just got awesomer for me.


Infiltrate is one of those USRs that only model in a squad needs to have, and confers it to the rest.  So giving Huron infiltrate and attaching him a squad confers Infiltrate to the squad, and you're good to go.

The only issue with this is BRB page 39, Independant charachter joining a unit, "can begin the game already with a unit, either by being deployed in unit coherency with it, or if the unit is in reserve". The question being can you redeploy that unit once Huron has been attached? I thought this was for scout moves only?

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Can you infiltrate huron and his squad if you rolled one to see how many infiltrators you get? I was under the impression you would have to use one on huron and one on the squad? I could very well be wrong if so great huron just got awesomer for me.


Infiltrate is one of those USRs that only model in a squad needs to have, and confers it to the rest.  So giving Huron infiltrate and attaching him a squad confers Infiltrate to the squad, and you're good to go.

The only issue with this is BRB page 39, Independant charachter joining a unit, "can begin the game already with a unit, either by being deployed in unit coherency with it, or if the unit is in reserve". The question being can you redeploy that unit once Huron has been attached? I thought this was for scout moves only?

BRB p.38 at the bottom of the infiltrate entry "An independent character without the infiltrate special rule cannot join a unit of infiltrators during deployment"

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Can you infiltrate huron and his squad if you rolled one to see how many infiltrators you get? I was under the impression you would have to use one on huron and one on the squad? I could very well be wrong if so great huron just got awesomer for me.



Infiltrate is one of those USRs that only model in a squad needs to have, and confers it to the rest.  So giving Huron infiltrate and attaching him a squad confers Infiltrate to the squad, and you're good to go.

The only issue with this is BRB page 39, Independant charachter joining a unit, "can begin the game already with a unit, either by being deployed in unit coherency with it, or if the unit is in reserve". The question being can you redeploy that unit once Huron has been attached? I thought this was for scout moves only?

BRB p.38 at the bottom of the infiltrate entry "An independent character without the infiltrate special rule cannot join a unit of infiltrators during deployment"

So basically, i can only infiltrate Huron if i give him the infiltrate ability & attach him to another unit, who has also been infiltrated. With Huron needing to be deployed last, to get into coherency & thus join the unit. Cool.

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yeah thats what ive been doing. only not so great when you roll a two or a one. its sort of limiting in what you can do as he either uses up an infiltrate or sits with a unit of marines on an objective with his thumb up his...... not that hes exactly a combat monster anyway. hes still worthwhile taking in my opinion.

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I don't like Huron. Sure, he gives an infiltrate, some random psychic powers and can fight in melee against non-dedicated melee units, but I prefer regular Chaos lords - tougher, much better at melee, can unlock cult units and still there's a chance of getting infiltrarion (which I don't find that useful warlord trait).

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