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Painting Stone


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Hey B&C,


I assembled a tactical marine using a set of legs that (I believe) came from the command squad box, which has the marine kneel, with the knee being up on a stone of some sort.  Now, I painted my marine in grey (a red scorpion marines, with a slightly lighter armour colour than usual for that chapter) and am left wondering about what colours I could paint the stone.  Grey is obviously out of the question.


Brown? Tan?


Any suggestions?

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Brown/tan/beige could give you a nice sandstone effect, but what is the theme of the rest of the base? Are your marines fighting in a desert? Forest? Urban environment?


You can get away with grey by giving it a different wash. Thanks to a tutorial I read on the B&C I now love a dark blue wash on my rock/concrete, which gives a very nice stone effect, and should look sufficiently different to the grey of your marine's armour.


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