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A quick Stormraven question.


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Whilst working on a StormRaven model, I discovered that the hurricane bolter sponsons could be placed snugly, so that the guns are facing backwards.


So my question is, is this legal for in game purposes? To have the bolters facing the back as a kind of defensive gun?


Thanks in advance!

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Don't see why not. 40k is larger a model-based game. GW often makes rules which function based on the actual representation of the model. Vehicle weapons are generally ruled to have arcs of fire based on their apparent position and range of motion. Having the Hurricane Bolters mounted to fire rearward would both be of benefit (for shooting down aircraft on your tail) and a drawback (not being able to fire them at your forward facing weapons target).
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I have a similar sponson related question if you don't mind me diving in;


The rulebook shows pretty pictures of arcs of fire for various sponsons, including a Leman Russ with only a 90 compared to a predator with 180. Are there any rules governing the legality of modifying the Leman Russ sponsons to fire 180 degrees?

Similarly, if you have an old school predator model which also only had a 90 degree arc, but the current model allows for 180, would it be legal to remodel your old predator?


Is this modelling for advantage? I'm guessing so in the case of the Leman Russ, but I can't find any rules that actually state fire arcs on weapons on a model by model basis. 

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I have a similar sponson related question if you don't mind me diving in;


The rulebook shows pretty pictures of arcs of fire for various sponsons, including a Leman Russ with only a 90 compared to a predator with 180. Are there any rules governing the legality of modifying the Leman Russ sponsons to fire 180 degrees?

Similarly, if you have an old school predator model which also only had a 90 degree arc, but the current model allows for 180, would it be legal to remodel your old predator?


Is this modelling for advantage? I'm guessing so in the case of the Leman Russ, but I can't find any rules that actually state fire arcs on weapons on a model by model basis. 


Personally I don't see an issue with updating the Predator model, since in my mind, it would be like Rebasing the old Terminators... It's just updating an old model to use the current model's rules.


The current Leman Russ are designed to have their sponsons restricted, much like the Stormravens, and so changing those would possibly be a bit naughty :p  Hence my original question lol.  So as far as I am concerned, you would be able to make the LR sponsons face backwards or forwards, but not to change them to 180 sponsons.


I don't want to MFA, but it just looks so damn cool to have these bolters shooting out the back of a SR, spraying fire at enemy planes or shooting down missiles :p  Fortunately I can't see any advantages of this over the original, only that I have 2 less guns facing forwards and 2 more facing back.

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