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Thunderfire cannon


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Just a query, If i am reading correctly the techmarine from the TC can take a unit of servitors with him.


if YES,


do/can they form part of the crew for the TC?


if so, you could have a wall of 5 servitors with a toughness of 7 from incoming fire which would  make for one very surviable unit.

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Toughness is majority based so it would become T4(?) from the group of servitors.

But yes you could take a unit of them, I'm unclear as to whether they would be part of the crew.

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Does the Techmarine on the TFC count though? That is the question. I believe he does, but even so you couldn't join the Servitors to him, as he doesn't have IC status until the TFC dies.


Nice try though. ;)

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A unit of serviters isnt attached to the techmarine, there a squad. And like darkguard said hes not a IC with the tfc so they cant join him. But you can have lysander join the techmarine with tfc for a t7 monster

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Just a query, If i am reading correctly the techmarine from the TC can take a unit of servitors with him.


if YES,

Yes, you can include one unit of Servitors in your army for the Thunderfire Cannon Techmarine (C:SM, pg.138). 

do/can they form part of the crew for the TC?

No. The servitors are not listed as part of the TFC unit, and the TFC Techmarine can't benefit from his Independant Character rule until the TFC is destroyed (C:SM, pg.73).

if so, you could have a wall of 5 servitors with a toughness of 7 from incoming fire which would  make for one very surviable unit.

You could, if it worked that way.
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