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Fluff for a couple of Special Characters

Wade Garrett

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Not sure where to place this, but here seems the best fit. I'm working on fluffing out a couple of Special Characters and I wanted feedback.


Krulak "The Kennelmaster"

Krulak is something of an anomaly among his Iron Warriors brethren. One of the many half-breeds gene forged to fill the IV Legion's depleted ranks, his flowing beard and elongated canines suggest his gene seed was mixed with that of the Space Wolves.


Some warriors also whisper that his hybrid nature is responsible for his "soft" treatment of the slave-soldiers under his leadership, and gifted him the nickname "Kennelmaster" for his practice of using them as pets instead of tools.


A belief anyone who has witnessed the torturous executions he has dealt out in the name of ensuring obedience might disagree with. Krulak believes that mortals who are properly fed, trained, and equipped accomplish more than a malnourished rabble.


His appearance plays up the image his Legion brothers have of him as a hairy heathen barbarian, but in truth the Kennelmaster's grasp of logistics and combat engineering is as sound as any son of Perturabo's, it merely suits him to pretend otherwise.

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It is said that the Adeptes Astartes know no fear. And perhaps this is true of the Loyalist Legions, shaped from the beginning to view death in the Emperor's service as the greatest glory they can achieve.


For the Legions of Chaos, blessed or cursed with somewhat more knowledge of what awaits them upon death, matters are less clear cut. A Chirumek of the Iron Warriors, Lascaris's fate was forever changed when his squad was overrun by the Bio engineered killing machines of the Tyranic strain xenos.


When relief forces finally arrived, the half dead Chirumek lay among a horde of slaughtered enemies, quivering in relief that he was still alive. In his battle rage and near death, he witnessed the fate of those who perish..the endless appetites and torments of the neverborn in the Sea of Souls.


Since then, he goes nowhere without his Steel Shield...a pack of battle servitors of his own creation, charged with warding their master on the battlefield. For when he looked into the Warp, something looked back at him, and he is beset by constant cravings for violence and bloodshed that none of the cybernetic augments he applied to his own brain can quell.


Haunted by what waits for him, Lascaris ceaselessly upgrades himself and his robotic bodyguards so that he live through the occasions when his uncontrollable rages drag him to the heart of a bättle.

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