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Champion of Chaos


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Just an idea to make CSM a little more viable, especially their characters.


What if, in addition to the other aspects of the Champion of Chaos rule (i.e. must give/accept challenges, roll on the Chaos Boon Table), any model with the Champion of Chaos also had the following rules:


-At the start of every Fight Sub-phase when in a Challenge, roll a D3:

*On a 1, nothing happens

*On a 2, model gains +1 attack that turn

*On a 3, model gains +2 attacks that turn


I think this would go a long way to off-setting the negative of the Champion of Chaos rule (i.e. being forced to challenge) and also compensating CSM units for not having ATSKNF for their current points cost. Given that CSM characters are forced to fight in challenges when able and you have to pay for the upgraded champion in every unit (unlike in C: DA, where you can select normal sergeant or pay to upgrade to veteran sergeant), this would give them a real edge.


Imagine a Noise Marine Champion who could muster up 6 attacks in a challenge at I5 on a turn that he charged. Even less appealing champions, like 1K Sons Aspiring Champions, would be deadly in a challenge, with 3-5 force weapon attacks normally and 4-6 force weapon attacks when he charged when in a challenge. Even derided characters, such as the Dark Apostle and Lucius the Eternal, would become much more worth their points if, in a challenge, they had the potential to get 1-2 extra attacks per turn.


Additionally, I think adding these elements to the Champion of Chaos rule would be fluffy, as any CSM Aspiring Champion would live for defeating an enemy character/hero one on one and so would fight especially hard when in a challenge in order to win glory/the favor of the Dark Gods. This rule could also represent the Chaos Gods providing an extra "dark blessing," albeit somewhat randomly, to their chosen champions as they fight, even before they win a challenge.

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Yes! Then my Juggerlord can have 15 attacks on the charge instead of a paltry 13 like normal.


It's a nice idea, but I kinda like the list as is. The fickle gods giveth, and the fickle gods taketh away. If anything, I would just fix the part where they HAVE to challenge. It really ruins some combats for my characters.

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Well the best solution here is still to just run a character in a unit that also contains some sort of champion to absorb the challenge if need be. 13 attacks is quite a waste when you are trying to just sweep through a unit and move. It can be handy to waste them if you want to try and force the fallback in your opponents phase, though. The challenge rules aren't all bad, since they can give us flexibility.

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The problem with specifically the juggerlord, is that the only real unit that he can run with is spawn, who don't have a character upgrade. Bikes is almost a good idea, but if they turbo-boost then he has a different save, and can then be picked out of the unit by enemy fire.


It seems ridiculous to me that well-oiled and wise killing machines, who've been fighting for millennia, can be sequestered by IG sergeants. Challenges are less about having cinematic battles, than about an easy way to keep characters from killing too much of your unit.

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