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Heldrake vs Hell Blade Vs Hell Talon size comparison

Death Spectre

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Hello everyone,


Looking at the Fast Attack optionsin the Chaos SM codex, and also considering the increased role of flyers in s 6th edition 40k, I was considering including a Heldrake. But I simply don't like the model. Your own opinions may vary, but I just don't find it appealing to look at.

I'm considering whether a conversion may be possible, but I was also looking at the Forgeworld models of the Hell Blade fighter, and Hell Talon fighter-bomber as potential substitutes. From a purely modelling and collecting perspective, I find them preferable.




It seems that Forgeworld are increasingly playtesting their additions to the game, to ensure that game balance is preserved, and marking models as appropriate for either 40k or Apocalypse. Perhaps eventually there will be no difficulty in just using their models in a standard list. But at the moment they still require approval from the other player. I imagine most people would not have an issue with me including either of these models in my list, so long as I brought a copy of the rules. However I can envisage some preferring to stick to units that are in the codex. If I do use a Forgeworld model as a "counts-as" Heldrake, I'd like to avoid any unfairness by having a model that is smaller and therefore easier to hide or avoid LOS.

Does anyone on the list have one or more of these models? Can you please give me a sense of the dimensions of each? Which is closer to the size of a Heldrake? Pictures on the internet are somtimes difficult to judge in terms of scale, particularly when there is no point of reference.




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I'm in the same boat, I dislike the look of the drake and was considering using a blade as a counts as (especially as they are near enough the same price)


Size wise I've no idea if they are a similar scale, maybe pop an email over to forgeworld? They're a helpful bunch.


Alternatively, kitbash your own heldrake. I love the wings, and think they could be put to good use as a "proper" flyer

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I have all 3, so here is the short summary:


Helldrake: 230x250mm

Hell Blade: 100x260mm

Hell Talon: 200x380mm


From my personal experience, Hell Blade does not have enough firepower to do its main job (air superiority), 3 Hell Blades cannot shot Storm Raven in one turn. If it had Butcher Cannons instead of Reaper Autocannons - it would be really helpful, it would be worth its points. Hell Talon is even worse, it's more expensive than Helldrake while having the same role (close air support) and cannot deal even fraction of damage Helldrake can. You know the rule, only GW has the right to do chease, FW has to be fair.

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I've always loved the drake, but I've heard a lot of people who didn't like it saw one in person and lost their poop over it. 
Still, to each their own, and I (as well as most people I play with) don't mind counts-as at all, as long as it's clear before the game starts what's what.

I also have to admit, the forgeworld planes are pretty freakin sweet.

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IMO either of those are close enough in size that ppl should not have a problem w it. But some ppl can pretty much find a problem w anything dry.png

And while in the air, a smaller size wouldnt have any advantage anyway.

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