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Termie Lord and retinue loadout

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Hi Guys. I'm currently building a terminator Praetor for my Pre-heresy Iron Warriors. I want to use him as my termie lord in 40k games. Now he's going to have a paragon blade and combi weapon on 30k, but 40k I was thinking of using the Burning Brand (modelled with a tartaros H flamer) and something else. I can magnetise arms if need be but any suggestions?


Also I'm thinking of having a command squad of termies with twin L claws in 30k, would this be any good as his termie retinue in 40k or is it a waste of time?


If you have better suggestions/opinions I'd love to hear them!



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From other people's posts on this forum, it seems that combi-plasma and combi-melta guns are just too good not to take with your Terminators in 40K. The only way to get into close combat quickly is to use a Land Raider, for it's assault vehicle rules. In my experience you'll end up missing the firepower they can bring, especially if you plan on deepstriking them, where you will really notice their lack of ranged weapons.

I don't know about 30K, but in 40K I'd say that a mix of combi-plasma and combi melta in the unit would be a good call, and then have whatever close combat weapons you want on the other arms; having at least one powerfist/ chainfist per squad is usually a good call as well, as a backup should the squad be engaged by a Dreadnought/ Walker/ Monstrous Creature.

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