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I need some help editing the CSM catalog. The cultists section when I add cultists to the unit, it adds individual cultists entries. Is there anyway to just increase the squad size without having 20+ cultist entries when I go to print?


Sorry if I am bad at describing the problem.

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I messed with Battlescribe quite a bit a while ago. There's tabs and options out the wazoo. Without having it in front of me ATM, there should be a tab for a new entry, and within the entry itself, min/max model numbers (IE min - 5 max -20) as well as which type of option and how many. You basically have to manually add whatever options and name/apply the templates yourself.  Enter everything and/or do lots of copypasta. It's pretty easy once you get the gist of it, but very time consuming. I've found a 6th ed rules set but I have yet to see any 6th ed codices for the system, and I don't feel like spending that much time on Battlescribe again, so for now I just have an Excel spreadsheet to do everything for me. 

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Yeah. Just started with editing them. I usually use word to type my list. Then found Battlescribe with 6th edition rule sets and codex. But instead of one sheet for my army list, not including special rules or stats, it's more because of that. I'll see if I can mess around with it more. Just wanted to see if anyone knew before I spent more time on it.


Thanks though.

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so if i understand what you are saying you find it irritating having to click the 'add cultist' button every time. there are a few different versions of the catalogue, i am using the one by 'Fuzzi' in this one there is a stepper to add more cultists and you can instead type the number you want into the box next to it. remember if you want 20 cultists type in 19 as it is also counting the champion. if that isnt the catalogue you have then you can edit it. under the cultists section make a new entry called cultist, make it an upgrade. set points to 4 min selections to 9, max selections to 34. good luck

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