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Chaos storm eagle gunship


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Hey everyone just got the Forgeworld Aeronautica book and looking throughit and  I really like the storm eagle gunship I was just wondering what are people's  opinions on it and does anyone has any experience using one. I am going to add one to my army giving it wing mounted lascannons and multi melta (expensive but awesome) so it can hunt vehicles and other flyers whilst transporting large squads of plague marines. Any advice welcome


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jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif

we GET that?!?!?!?!

oh my god i want one. it can take 10 termies in it right? and its an assault vehicle? nice.

are you going to buy it or do a conversion. i have 2 old stormravens sitting around and a stormtalon still in sprues that was destined to become my second blight drone. im sure i can cobble something together out of all that lot.

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jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif jawdrop.gif

we GET that?!?!?!?!

oh my god i want one. it can take 10 termies in it right? and its an assault vehicle? nice.

are you going to buy it or do a conversion. i have 2 old stormravens sitting around and a stormtalon still in sprues that was destined to become my second blight drone. im sure i can cobble something together out of all that lot.

Yes. It does not have machine spirit but costs 20 pts less. It's still quite expensive, especially when you put 10 TDA inside it but yes it is avaialble to CSM ;)

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I run mine in my Corsairs list. It has my "assault marines" inside (noise marines with ccws and a doomsiren champ). Pretty nasty unit that either draws a lot of fire away from the rest of my army or gets ignored and wrecks face. I would suggest running it pretty bare, with multimeltas as the only upgrade. The TL lascannon is nice, but not worth 60 points. 


My tactic: Blast out into enemy deployment turn it comes in heading towards something I want to assault while firing a melta into something tough. Next turn, go to hover and assault out of it. If it doesn't die after that, it spends the rest of the game being a gunship. 

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Not only a lot of warping; but one of my fuselage pieces was miscast to thin. The jet cover was shattered, spiderweb cracking throughout and you could hold it up to a light and see how thin the resin was.


FW service is good however, for the price of a photo, batch number and email, they agreed to cast up a new one and ship for free.


The warped parts you just need to put in hot water, and clamp to something straight like a ruler overnight.

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Mine was. Lot of warp and getting parts to fit right was a pain. Currently green stuffing gaps and all


I use green stuff with every resin kit, including infantry models. It made assembling them even simpler than assembling plastic minis.

Super glue on the part, green stuff, super glue and then attach to the the other part... done ;)


Resin vehicles are far more complicated, though. However green stuff will make the job much easier. I bought a Caestus in January (I know it's not the best flyer etc, but I liked the model ;) ) for my HH project and the green stuff made the job quite relaxing. There will be always gaps to fill because that's the resin's nature but without green stuff gluing a resin vehicle is painful beyond comprehension.

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not worth the points without the PotMS .


The lack of PotMS is a strong limitation. In my opinion without PotMS it should  cost even less. Daemonic possession is not a very good idea since it lower your BS and you want the gunship to be accurate with its shooting.

I'm not confident enough to put expensive units in flyers, even though 4++ TDAs should survive the crash but you will lose half of the squad.

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Thanks Bongfu for advice sounds good, probably still use one even though it might get destroyed killing half the squad in it (unless Nurgle smiles on me and I pass a lot of feel no pain saves) I just like the unit too much not to use it never really used loyalists so not too bothered about POtMS just as long as I can transport large squads of plague marines right in the middle of the enemy plus the chaos one is cheaper so I can shove a couple of hell drakes in as support as well as anti- air magnets. HenryWalker I will try my own conversion as forgeworld is very expensive for someone in NZ like me due to shipping and exchange rate, thinking of using my vampire counts bits combined with the storm raven and helldrake or something to make it look like a daemonic flying coffin or something

One thing that sucks us that you can't give it cheaper wing mounted weapons like a reaper autocannon or heavy bolter for some more fire power.

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Did mine with a Stormraven and a Valkiry kit.










made the wings and hull weapons exchangable for extra versatility.

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Thanks Bongfu for advice sounds good, probably still use one even though it might get destroyed killing half the squad in it (unless Nurgle smiles on me and I pass a lot of feel no pain saves) I just like the unit too much not to use it never really used loyalists so not too bothered about POtMS just as long as I can transport large squads of plague marines right in the middle of the enemy plus the chaos one is cheaper so I can shove a couple of hell drakes in as support as well as anti- air magnets. HenryWalker I will try my own conversion as forgeworld is very expensive for someone in NZ like me due to shipping and exchange rate, thinking of using my vampire counts bits combined with the storm raven and helldrake or something to make it look like a daemonic flying coffin or something

One thing that sucks us that you can't give it cheaper wing mounted weapons like a reaper autocannon or heavy bolter for some more fire power.

While it is more expensive than a heldrake, the pay off is getting those plague marines up close. However, that is why I stressed keeping it cheap, in the sense that once its payload is delivered, it just roams the board not really doing much. Putting the lascannon on there is a waste of points in my opinion. Sixty points can be spent elsewhere to bolster your army, like six melta guns!


As far as not having PotMS spirit, I too am a little indifferent. So what it can't snap fire an extra weapon. It really doesn't need to. Keeping it cheap means you only have two weapons to fire anyway. In hover mode, after it drops off its load, it will probably die to enemy fire in the following turn.

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 So what it can't snap fire an extra weapon.

at a different target and why snap fire ? ask the BAs what they think about a SR without POTMS or anyone who has it on any tank and if they would use it .

a flyer should never hover mode , unless it has a +4inv or better. If you want to take  a FW flyer take the ram , it is better. higher armor and melta immunity[less problems with BA SR] and they can even fire they melta , because unlike everything else they can ram while zooming and the snap fire limitation works only for raming and moving slower then zooming.

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That is awesome Slayer le Boucher how did you do it dis you assemble the strorm raven without wings or weapons and joined it with the Valkyrie, what is that daemonic face on it from it looks awesome.


Bongfu I agree with you probably multi melta will be the only thing I give it as a little anti tank or flyer weapon to deal with anything that might get in its way blasting infantry with its vengeance launcher before plague marines and sorcerer pop out flame any thing near it before assaulting the hell out of it


The Jeske: we are not loyalists we have had years putting up without POtMS so not really an issue, chances are only one or two guns will be used a turn depending on its load out and what we are facing, after all the whole point of it is to transport squads possibly 20 strong right into the midst of the enemy I reckon it's a pretty good trade off loyalists get POtMS for their bird while Chaos can actually fill the storm eagle to the brim with our Cult or other large squads of chaos troops. Sucks we don't get the ram as it suits chaos perfectly a heavily armoured

Flyer which rams the heck out anything meltaing stuff before a chaos squad pops out destroying what's left.


Will be very fun ferrying zombie squads to objectives after the plague marines get the major killing done.

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Thanks, basicly its just the Stormraven assembled with the valk transport compartiment so that both angled sides of the vehicles comes together.


Then i use the Valk rear ramp, inside of the wings and air thrust to make the flat part of the Stormeagle.


Simply put a Rhino trap at the rear of the valk compartment so that it looks like there is an actual door, trim and fil it sot that it blends with the rest of the hull.


The Deamonic face on the SE, The skull is from a KO Stonehorn from battle, with a VC Zombie dragon spine and sculpted the rest, the other faces and icones comes from various molds i did.

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 So what it can't snap fire an extra weapon.

at a different target and why snap fire ? ask the BAs what they think about a SR without POTMS or anyone who has it on any tank and if they would use it .

a flyer should never hover mode , unless it has a +4inv or better. If you want to take  a FW flyer take the ram , it is better. higher armor and melta immunity[less problems with BA SR] and they can even fire they melta , because unlike everything else they can ram while zooming and the snap fire limitation works only for raming and moving slower then zooming.


Like it has been said, this is not a loyalist army. Chaos does not have PotMS. We won't ever get it, I suspect, to help differ us more from the loyal lap dogs of the Emperor. 


If you never put a flyer into hover mode, then what is the point of a Stormraven or a Storm Eagle? If you wanted just a gun platform, there are way better options than an expensive flying rhino. The point of the Storm Eagle has been, and always will be for Chaos, to get a massive blob across the field. 20 cult troops, 20 CSM, or 10 terminators are a force to be reckoned with and pair that with the ability to assault out of a flyer deep in enemy territory, you have something that is worth its points. 


Think of it as a glass needle unit. It inserts itself where you want it, releases its payload, then probably dies to enemy fire. However that said, if the enemy is more concerned with the flyer and not the nasty blokes that come out of it, they are shooting the wrong thing and you should rejoice in their error. 

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If you never put a flyer into hover mode, then what is the point of a Stormraven or a Storm Eagle?

anti flyer gunship and anti tank meta due to how POTMS synergises with str8ap1 rockets and in the case of the second one ..hmmm..display value , because it aint worth as a transport when you can have much cheaper vendettas[and wont have to worry about FW being accepted or not] or SR[same thing] or Rams[FW too , but better over all] ?




20 cult troops, 20 CSM, or 10 terminators are a force to be reckoned

with and pair that with the ability to assault out of a flyer deep in

enemy territory, you have something that is worth its points.

probably 19 +some sort of HQ. a 700pts deathstar that gets taken down , by interceptor gun emplacment[well we are playing FW right?] or Icarus or even the humble vendetta.

A good flyer transport is cheap like the necron or IG one , at all other time it is a high cost gunboat and to be a gunboat one has to be able to POTMS or failing that be 130pts cheap[which is technicly having POTMS because you get 2 for 260pts].



as to Ram cant be taken . Now am not going to to go in to the , if opponent let you use FW what stops him from letting you use the ram , but if someone wants to use one and has a chaos army , why not use the SW dex . 10 man GH totem +hidden ax+2plasma +terminator WG with combi plas a power ax and a cheap HQ[they can have 4 in a slot and some are realy cheap] are just as good as a cult or csm unit in a Storm eagle . In fact that unit is better because of better utility 2 models with +2sv bring , specialy when on the important turns [like when the unit is suppose to recive a lot of shoting or it is on the ground and drakes are up] it can also re-roll all 1s rolled for saves.

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If you never put a flyer into hover mode, then what is the point of a Stormraven or a Storm Eagle?

anti flyer gunship and anti tank meta due to how POTMS synergises with str8ap1 rockets and in the case of the second one ..hmmm..display value , because it aint worth as a transport when you can have much cheaper vendettas[and wont have to worry about FW being accepted or not] or SR[same thing] or Rams[FW too , but better over all] ?



20 cult troops, 20 CSM, or 10 terminators are a force to be reckoned

with and pair that with the ability to assault out of a flyer deep in

enemy territory, you have something that is worth its points.

probably 19 +some sort of HQ. a 700pts deathstar that gets taken down , by interceptor gun emplacment[well we are playing FW right?] or Icarus or even the humble vendetta.

A good flyer transport is cheap like the necron or IG one , at all other time it is a high cost gunboat and to be a gunboat one has to be able to POTMS or failing that be 130pts cheap[which is technicly having POTMS because you get 2 for 260pts].



as to Ram cant be taken . Now am not going to to go in to the , if opponent let you use FW what stops him from letting you use the ram , but if someone wants to use one and has a chaos army , why not use the SW dex . 10 man GH totem +hidden ax+2plasma +terminator WG with combi plas a power ax and a cheap HQ[they can have 4 in a slot and some are realy cheap] are just as good as a cult or csm unit in a Storm eagle . In fact that unit is better because of better utility 2 models with +2sv bring , specialy when on the important turns [like when the unit is suppose to recive a lot of shoting or it is on the ground and drakes are up] it can also re-roll all 1s rolled for saves.


I can tell you are probably a very competitive player and not someone who simply plays for fun. Legally, the Storm Eagle is the only kind of flying transport Chaos get at all. You keep bringing up loyalist stuff. That's great. When I decide to play a loyalist power armoured army, I will look at better options. 


However, this being Chaos, we are stuck with out choices and we must discuss the effectiveness of a Chaos Storm Eagle in a Chaos Space Marine army. 

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