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Chaos storm eagle gunship


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Thanks Gizur those are awesome. Since you found the building of it a horror would you still recommend someone getting the actual FW storm eagle kit or making their own as I will be going to England in a few weeks so can get to warhammer world (you can buy forgeworld from there can't you???)
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I just have to add, if you don't add any lascannons or missiles, it comes in at a fairly cheap price, just a little more than a Heldrake. Cheaper than a land raider at least, and with much better transport capacity and speed to.

Even with no extra guns, after it has delivered its load it still had 2 large blasts with the strength and Ap of a heavy bolter, and a reaper autocannon. It can clean up infantry like crazy, which can be useful seeing as we have no barrage to clear enemy scoring units off objectives far away (other than going over there and killing them, something which the Storm Eagle helps with too).

If you use other stuff for anti-tank (and tanks are less common in 6ed than in 5ed in any case), the basic Storm Eagle could be a quite useful asset. Giving it lascannons seems to me to make it into a really expensive Vendetta, a vehicles that tries to do too much. I don't think using it as an anti-air vehicles is such a great idea either. It's a transport that can kill infantry. Without weapon upgrades, it comes in at a useful prince. Think of it like big resilient flying rhino with the assault ramp rule and a big havoc launcher on top, and it looks a bit better.

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Wait, so even Chaos has an assault transport that is faster and has better capacity than our own Land Raider, AND it's cheaper? Why does that model even exist anymore? lol :(

I agree that PoTMS is no big deal. We've never had it, (at least not as long as I've been playing) so we haven't lost anything. I've never sat around thinking "If only I could shoot my Vindicator's Combi-bolter at a 2nd target."

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I am almost finished converting one for my nurgle marines. thank you to teutonicavenger for the idea. I just extended the transport bay with plasticard and then started pulling bits off the storm raven and sticking them in the wrong place. its worked out much better than i hoped for. I managed to do it quickly as i can cheat, all my vehicles are covered in a fair amount of GS fur so any ugly joins can be covered easily and still look cool. would be much harder to do it for for my loyalist army. 

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I am almost finished converting one for my nurgle marines. thank you to teutonicavenger for the idea. I just extended the transport bay with plasticard and then started pulling bits off the storm raven and sticking them in the wrong place. its worked out much better than i hoped for. I managed to do it quickly as i can cheat, all my vehicles are covered in a fair amount of GS fur so any ugly joins can be covered easily and still look cool. would be much harder to do it for for my loyalist army.

I can't wait to see pics :) still deciding on if I should just make my own or just buy the FW kit


I reckon the only upgrade you would ever give a storm eagle would be a multi-melta or reaper autocannon the lascannons are pretty expensive, it just sucks it can't be given cheap wing reaper autocannons.

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After seeing the conversion done here, I'm kinda inspired to give it a go myself. I'm thinking of using a Rhino chassis to extend a Stormraven hull out to the required length, since it looks to be about the right length and width. For those who actually OWN one of those flying toasters, am I correct in my estimate?

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I am almost finished converting one for my nurgle marines. thank you to teutonicavenger for the idea. I just extended the transport bay with plasticard and then started pulling bits off the storm raven and sticking them in the wrong place. its worked out much better than i hoped for. I managed to do it quickly as i can cheat, all my vehicles are covered in a fair amount of GS fur so any ugly joins can be covered easily and still look cool. would be much harder to do it for for my loyalist army.

I can't wait to see pics smile.png still deciding on if I should just make my own or just buy the FW kit

I reckon the only upgrade you would ever give a storm eagle would be a multi-melta or reaper autocannon the lascannons are pretty expensive, it just sucks it can't be given cheap wing reaper autocannons.

check out my wip blog for more. link in my signature


After seeing the conversion done here, I'm kinda inspired to give it a go myself. I'm thinking of using a Rhino chassis to extend a Stormraven hull out to the required length, since it looks to be about the right length and width. For those who actually OWN one of those flying toasters, am I correct in my estimate?

i originally planned to go with rhino but i think it would be a big hassle to make it all work properly. plasticard was just so easy to do that i really wouldnt suggest any other way.

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I agree that PoTMS is no big deal. We've never had it

Yes we have...

You conveniently left off the part where i said 


 (at least not as long as I've been playing)

Cherry picking quotes to prove me wrong? When I admitted I may be wrong in the very same sentence?



edit: typo

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I agree that PoTMS is no big deal. We've never had it

Yes we have...

You conveniently left off the part where i said 


> (at least not as long as I've been playing)

Cherry picking quotes to prove me wrong? When I admitted I may be wrong in the very same sentence?



edit: typo


I don't know how long you have played, I assumed you didn't play chaos back then and so had missed it...

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The rules last I checked them (which was before the new book) had Deep strike. If I'm correct you could DS directly into hover and jump your troops out 6" right within charge distance. Sure the thing might get blown up but it doesn't matter as the dismount occurs before the Interceptor attack. 

This of course might have changed and you still run the risk of the Dice gods being cruel but it's a hell of a way to deliver 20 power armoured CC monsters. Imagine 20 Khorne Zerc's charging the enemy death star with 81 strength 5 attacks.... or 19 and Khârn, 84 re-rolling misses.

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I'm CHAOS that things never flying anyway. There's just an invisible great unclean one running around holding it making wishing noises

You win. biggrin.png

The rules last I checked them (which was before the new book) had Deep strike. If I'm correct you could DS directly into hover and jump your troops out 6" right within charge distance. Sure the thing might get blown up but it doesn't matter as the dismount occurs before the Interceptor attack.

This of course might have changed and you still run the risk of the Dice gods being cruel but it's a hell of a way to deliver 20 power armoured CC monsters. Imagine 20 Khorne Zerc's charging the enemy death star with 81 strength 5 attacks.... or 19 and Khârn, 84 re-rolling misses.

At this point I'm wondering why you didn't just take a couple of Dreadclaws for half the price...
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They would take two FA choices rather than one and you cannot get a 20 man unit in one, they give away more KP's and have less firepower meaning less useful after the payload is deployed.

It all depends on your take though really. I was thinking DS because it would be the fastest way to deploy troops

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Are we still caring about KPs? Only 1 of the 6 standard missions uses them. One of the few benefits of 6th is not having to deal with that moronic bit of strategery.

I rather like my dreadclaw.

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Wow Henrywalker that's awesome I might give it a try myself, also means I have to only buy storm raven saving me money yay. So judging by picture you used 3 bits of plastic bits for the rear sides and bottom of it and stick the rear door right at the end of it, thanks I now have got a good plan on how to do mine now.


Love the description of how it works too I just can't get the image out of my head.


I prefer the eagle to the dread claw since it can shoot stuff plus mostly all my units are larger than ten models so I can't use dread laws to transport them. The chance to blow tanks up or bomb the heck out of infantry firing 2 large blast templates a turn which may be low strength but it will annilate hordes.

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The rules last I checked them (which was before the new book) had Deep strike. If I'm correct you could DS directly into hover and jump your troops out 6" right within charge distance. Sure the thing might get blown up but it doesn't matter as the dismount occurs before the Interceptor attack. 

This of course might have changed and you still run the risk of the Dice gods being cruel but it's a hell of a way to deliver 20 power armoured CC monsters. Imagine 20 Khorne Zerc's charging the enemy death star with 81 strength 5 attacks.... or 19 and Khârn, 84 re-rolling misses.

But you cant assault the turn you arrive from reserves so youd be subjecting the flyer and squad to focusfiring.

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That doesn't sound right. The whole the point of the Dreadclaw being able to deposit troops that can assault out of it on the turn they arrive, it would be logical to assume that all vehicles with assult ramps could do the same. Hey whoever heard of GW being logical.

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