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BA stormraven deep striking.


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I'm having a bit of trouble in determining what mode of movement a DS stormraven is using on the turn it deepstrikes. Is it specified somewhere or is it the owning players choice?

A Flyer with the Hover type must declare which mode of movement it is using at the start of its Movement phase, this means a Hover Flyer deploying from Reserves must declare this before being placed on the table. (BRB, pg.81).

A Deep Striking Vehicle counts as moving at Cruising speed when it deploys by Deep Strike, and does not move any further that turn (BRB, pg.36).

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Seeing as a flyer has to move a little or be destroyed, Id say that all deep striking flyers are hovering since every flyer capable of deep striking has hover.


Not a problem. Deep Striking vehicles count as having moved a cruising speed, which, for a zooming flyer, is >18" so they won't crash even if they enter in zoom mode. And page 81 clearly says that you can choose which mode to enter the board in.



A Flyer with the Hover type must declare whether it is going to Zoom or Hover before it moves each Movement phase. This means that, if the Flyer arrives from reserve, you must declare which type of rnovement it is using before placing it on the board.
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Seeing as a flyer has to move a little or be destroyed, Id say that all deep striking flyers are hovering since every flyer capable of deep striking has hover.


Not a problem. Deep Striking vehicles count as having moved a cruising speed, which, for a zooming flyer, is >18" so they won't crash even if they enter in zoom mode. And page 81 clearly says that you can choose which mode to enter the board in.


A Flyer with the Hover type must declare whether it is going to Zoom or Hover before it moves each Movement phase. This means that, if the Flyer arrives from reserve, you must declare which type of rnovement it is using before placing it on the board.


I dont see anything in the book that says moving at a particular speed means you moved a particular distance.


Its a subtle but very important difference from moving a particular distance means you moved a particular speed.

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I simply disagree in this case. Cruising speed isnt an exact number, a heavy flamer is very specific.


It doesn't need to be an exact number. It just needs to be 18" or more.



If a Zooming Flyer is forced to move less than 18" in its own Movernent phase, it is automatically wrecked.



The Deep Strike rules specifically tell us



Vehicles, except for Walkers, count as having moved at Cruising Speed


The Flyer rules specifically tell us



If a Flyer Zooms, it has a combat speed of 18" and a cruising speed of 36"


So, putting it all together we are specifically told that a Deep Striking Flyer in Zoom mode counts as having moved more than 18" and therefore is not wrecked.

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Wow. I can understand GW's business need to sell models so they give our toys to C:SM but to then also limit the way can use those toys by removing DS is a piss poor decision.


Seems like they are just trying to piss thier customer base off.


It's worked and as far as I'm conserned anyone that had a part in removing DS can suck on the business end of an assualt cannon.

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To me the Deep Strike on Flyers was a left over from 5th and now they get around to reevaluate flyer rules and remember to remove it from all flyers. Or did they miss some?


Per the new FAQ, looks like GW finally got around to removing DS from all flyers.  Guess this thread is now completed.



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Looks like it's still a valid question if you are using any FW fliers.  Which is just the Caestus for BA as the T'hawk does not have DS and the BA can't take Storm Eagles.


FW posted this on their facebooks page today: (link: https://www.facebook.com/ForgeWorldUK?ref=stream)


"With Death from the Skies now on sale, and with thanks to numerous posts on our wall, consider this an official FAQ:

The rules don't overlap onto Imperial Armour Aeronautica. Any of our flyers that list Deep Strike among their special rules can still Deep Strike.
Stormravens cannot carry Contemptors.
Storm Eagles aren't available to Blood Angels. There's a price for refusing to reveal STC data.

Meanwhile, here's some nicely painted flyers.

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