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Cork For Basing - UK Source?


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Hi all,


I'm in the midst of getting my Dark Angels up and running and, having done three armies on various forms of painted gravel, thought I'd give a new style of basing a try.

Cork tile as a basing material has become pretty popular - recent article on BoLS and various models on CMoN using it to great effect.


But where do I buy the stuff??


I can find single/triple tile packs in the U.S of A (expensive postage or no international shiping), I can find bulk packs (expensive an WAY more than needed) on eBay and on U.K webstores and have found rolls of (quite thin) cork sheet at a local art store (possible option but maybe too tin?)


Anybody in Europe or specifically the U.K who knows where I can get me some cork tile to make my Deathwing look mighty fine??

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ModelZone do stock a couple of varieties - but unsure of sizing or as to whether it is competitively priced:



Looks fairly cheap for the size you get to me. £10 for a 2' x 3' (60cm x 90cm) sheet of 1/8" (~ 3mm) seems quite fair. I'll prb be buying some when I get home. (Thats in months though, not hours, before someone asks me in a couple of days how good it is... :D )

You can get a pack of 5 cork mats from Tesco for £1.40. It's 6mm (not sure if that's too thick for you) but you won't get much cheaper than that!



Thanks all, good list to look at.


@ Daveclark890 - are the pre-sealed ones ok to use? Do you till get the texture on the surface? I'm assuming you maybe just turn them upside down? 8,000 points worth of cork should just about cover the 20 Terminators and 8 bikes... :)


@ Sirastrates, looks good dude - is that the thicker of the two rolls shown in Chaeron's link?

For anyone interested, I found a good source with good variety of thicknesses and also cork bark and granules:




It's based in London, if you're local it's well worth visiting, I can't believe I'd forgotten about it!

It's an excellent shop dude, definitely worth a visit if haven't been before. Do many, many thicknesses of plasticard rod and tube too.


I got a sheet of 1.5mm (I want to layer it) cork, 60cm by 90cm - quite big - for £2.50 and the bag of cork granules was £1.30 Enough material to base easily 100+ models for £3.80 aint bad at all!

I just went in. Not used cork before but had an idea of the effect I wanted so it was good to be able to have a look at the sheets.


I was going to get two until I saw the size of them and realised one would definitely be more than enough: I've done three cork layers per base for 21 terminators, so 63 small cork discs, stuck in loose layers then picked the edges to rough it all up. Last night was an evening of a LOT of glue!

I'm thinking a reddish-brown kind of earth colour, somewhere between Mars and a desert. Might have a little play with weathering powder on them too, but as I've never used those I'll have to see. I'll get a thread going in the WiP so keep an eye out there

  • 3 weeks later...

Went in myself today Reb and picked up some similar stuff - two different types of granules and I went for the 1mm thick cork board. Then had to buy another pack of granules to get the to minimum card charge laugh.png

Cool man, will be good to see how you go on with that slightly thinner stuff, post something up here when you're happy with it? Mine will be seeing paint once back from Throne of Skulls at weekend (if I'm in a good mood enough to paint - i.e if I don't get beaten a lot like last time!)


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