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Well met, all!  So, I understand that this site is for all things Space Marine, and I will - mostly - abide by that.  So anyone here who is also a member over on Bell of Lost Souls might well recognize this ID as belonging to a die-hard (and very repeatedly, at least in 5th ed.) Tau player!  Whiskey-Tango Hotel is this guy doing here???  Doesn't he know he's about three seconds from having his bright new shiny ID banned until the Emperor personally intercedes? 


Very short form answer is that I recently lucked into and bought an unopened Spearhead box, and I now have many, many questions - and an entire universe of fluff to master.  Not banned yet?  A bit more detail needed?  No problem.


Slightly longer answer.  6th ed has this thing called the ally chart;  vanilla marines - I pray that is an acceptable term here - are Battle Brothers with the Tau.  Go ahead, go check.  I'll wait.  See?  I know, it's weird, isn't it?  You should look at it from this side.  But here we are, and there is no path available but forward.  So.  I need to know everything; I am a fluff-driven player, you see. 


My most pressing question would be, why would a Spearhead Detachment of ANY (presumably) Loyalist Space Marine Chapter come and hang out, fist bumping, bleeding, and dying with Commander Longshot's Force Echo?  (I did mention that my army died hard and often in 5th ed?  Hence my little guy's name...)  Further questions will inevitably come from that, but this, then, is the seed that all else will proceed from, at least for me.  I have some rationales from the crowd over on BoLS, but I want some ideas from primay SM players.


Okies, in absolute seriousness for a moment:  I was warned that this board is HARDCORE Space Marines, and I might not even be welcome.  Thus my initial post here in New Members.  If my membership is truly not welcome, a PM will suffice, and I'll be gone.  Thank you for your time.

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Well .. as the owner of the B&C ... Welcome smile.png

It always amused me that people have these strange notions about the B&C, at least you came over to check for yourself!

Pull up a chair, take a look in the various sub-forums ... ignore anyone who sounds too pompous and enjoy yourself smile.png

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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother!


I'm a little shocked that people informed you we would not want you. We'd be only too happy to welcome you. Come on in, rest your feet and hang your coat, brother. Now, we are indeed a Space Marine forum, first and foremost, so direct discussion of xenos is not really what we do. Granted there may be a thread on "How do I defeat =insert xenos of choice=?" but if you wish to discuss allied army lists, then going to the Tactica or the Army List subforums will be the only option you may have.


I suggest having a gander at the forum's rules to familiarise yourself with the in's and out's of what you can and cannot discuss (there's a link in my sig), and if you have any questions, feel free to PM me. :)

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Fantastic, someone else ready to rock the Tau and Space Marines together! Please, if anyone told you that you wouldn't be welcome here, let them know how mistaken they were! We don't anyone to be discouraged from the site! Do you use an official cadre, or custom? If you've already got a taste for the latter, do visit the Liber forum. The vets over there are not only very well versed in fluff, but pros at DIY Chapter development. If an official Chapter catches your eye though, we have fluff buff's to spare that can fill you in over in the Index Astartes forum.

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Gentles all, thank you for the warm welcome and the where-to-look pointers!  ::bows::  I'll be sure to let folks know!  ::toddles off into the stacks, being careful of his cup of tanna::

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