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Post your lord


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Hey everyone,

The leaders of our warbands are always outstanding (and colorful) individuals. Sorcerers, Daemon Princes, Lords... Let us post here pictures of the guys in charge of our dear warbands.




Let me present to you Saren Serevor, the Swordbreaker, Lord Captain of the 11th company of the Black Legion "The Envenomed Heart".

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Haha, what a great idea!


Mine is Captain Altis of the 3rd Grand Company of the 9th Grand Battalion. He leads his trusted squads on behalf of his Lord and Master, Lord Cronus (I've yet to build a model for Cronus).


Originally a centurion of the 9th Grand Company, his unswerving loyalty to his Praetor Cronus saw him risen to the rank of Captain during the Heresy.




I'm using the DV model for the time being, but am putting together a pre-heresy model and will be making a post heresy one for him as well.

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Magistra Aeronwy Gesh of the Order of Dusk;



Mishta Shick, Master of the Purple Scribes;



(Ok, so technically I normally field Shick as an obliterator, but what the hey. ;))

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Termi Lord with Old Bloodfeeder/ Axe of Blinding Fury.





Bike Lord with pair of LC's.




Lord on Jugger with Axe of Fury.

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Since I play Alpha Legion there are several "lords" who seems to be leading the warband according to inquisitorial sources(well, a few misdirecting leaks are always fun). There are only old photos of them all but just the first one is actually completely painted...I'm just a horribly slow painter with too many projects...and besides, I was always using a DP in 5th...


My old "counts-as-Khârn", but nowadays run as an axelord mostly: (and the only one completely painted)




Still a WIP are two others, my Jump Pack lord:



...and Alphuron, here seen with some of his friends:



But what is this? My old Tzeentch lord from 2nd ed showed up!


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Lord Nur'glez (currently making up a decent name, I'm rubbish with names), equipped with a power axe and a black mace.

http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c397/nurglez/LordNurglezflash_zps104ea807.jpgwith flash



and without.

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Hey, second wave, here are some of the lieutenants of my lord :


Servatius, company champion (count as-Khârn)




Zarok, Chaos sorcerer :




Chrisocheir, lieutenant.


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Alright here are mine.


Champion Kryos


Sorceror Lord


And the leader of my warband. Daemon prince version of this guy is my avatar as well.



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The Shadowmaster, 5th Company, VIII Legion, Night Lords




And his 2nd in command Lord Thrar






And the Prophet of the 5th Company



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Long time lurker, first time poster.


I've recently come back to the game after a long absence, pulling my poor shattered Chaos army out of storage and reassembling/repainting it. I've decided to assemble my army as Black Legion, since I enjoy being able to pick and choose whatever I want within the fluff.


Anywho, introduction over, here's a couple of lords I've put together from random bits:




This is Ammon the Everchanging. He's meant to accompany my bike squad, and can serve as either a Lord or Sorcerer depending on my army.




Bartoc of the Beast-Blood is still a work in progress, but he's meant to join a Raptor bodyguard. I'm currently considering removing the Backpack and replacing it with a different pair of wings. I just came into a bunch of Noise Marines, so I'm thinking the feathered wings would go better on a Slaanesh lord.

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