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The Fail of My Daemon Prince is Now Complete.


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IMO, Black Mace DP just as capable as MurderSword DP in character slaying as well, with tons of smash attacks and fleshbane, even without instant kill perk.


And against characters with eternal warrior, DP Black Mace will definitely outperform DP Murdersword.

Not saying it is or won't. Just saying that if you ha to choose between using the murdersword on a DP or a lord, I'd put it on the DP and slap an AoBF on the Lord. But like I said, the biggest drawback of that would be the cost.
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Well sure, on a Khorne lord you obviously use the AoBF. That's a complete no-brainer. I think the argument for the Murder Sword is on non-Khornate lords. I took a Murder Sword on a bike-mounted Nurgle lord once, and it did its job fairly well. I don't think it was worth the price, and in the future I would probably go Power Fist + Lightning Claw instead, for only 5pts more.

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I think we can sum this thread up by saying that taking a Murder Sword on a Daemon Prince is pretty sub-par, not because it makes you any less likely to be able to use it effectively, but because for a few extra points you can become good at killing (a fair bit) more than just the M.Swords target.

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For the MS to be actually more than just an overpriced power sword, you have to a ) get it into b2b, b ) not be dead before striking and c ) make your hit rolls, so a slaaneshi lord with votlw on a bike or steed would be recommendable (with the additional pro of unlocking NMs as troops), but that would be taking the lord to make the sword work, not because it is any good. The more pts the enemy dumps into a single HQ without a special save (who does this???), the more effective this would be, though...

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The only reason to give a Daemon Prince the murder sword is that he doesn't have Champions of Chaos, which means he can target Draigo, assault him, and instant death his entire retinue because the Murder Sword's powers kick in when you're in base contact, not when you're attacking that target.

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Though he is a lonesome guy, and thus must accept any challenges thrown in his direction, even one from a lowly IG sergeant...


The black mace makes sure that there is a bit of collateral damage to the blob at least...

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