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Devolvers Marines Malevolent update 25/4/13


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Cheers mate smile.png

How are your rainbow warriors going brother?

I haven't had much chance to do much with them lately :( but I'm aiming to get enough models painted for about 1k army in time for the Ultrameet in July ^_^

I'm really liking your army so far - always have serious respect for those who can paint yellow well ^_^

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Well im looking forward to seeing more! Keep at it there great models and work!


As I said before I'm changing the yellow on them, at the moment it's pure averland sunset,

Now it's a 60:40 mix with golden yellow/yeriel(i think? The new yellow :P)

So the color pops a little more and a chipping / battle damage from an old masterclass article, so hopefully I get a decent camera at mine soon and can take some pictures of my scouts in the new color!

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Scouts are the back bone in my eyes, of the Space Marine army's. I plan to have enough eventually to have just a scout army if i feel but at this point i have very few.

I'm going to apologize for the bad camera here, im using my old phone atm, smashed my new one too bits. Should have a new one soon and ill update the photos then smile.png They dont seem to do the new yellow justice im noticing :/ bare with me untill i get the new camera tongue.png

So here is my first Scout Sniper Squad lead by Sargent Telion. *note telion's flesh is different as i had previously started on his head a while ago before realising i had ran out of sepia wash!*

Group Shots






Pointing Scout

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Scout 4

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Scout 5

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