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GW forcing us to spend money?

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hey guys.. the death from the skies book has been put up for order on GWs site and it has this fun bit of information.....


'There are rules for using the Stormraven Gunship with a Codex: Space Marines and Black Templars army; UPDATED rules for the range of Warhammer 40,000 Flyer models, including new bestiary and army list entries for the following codexes: Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Eldar, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Orks and Space Marines.'


it reads like we are getting new units but also that our ravens entries will change... prob for the worse.


so.. is everyone prepared to shell out £20 for what should be in an FAQ?

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hey guys.. the death from the skies book has been put up for order on GWs site and it has this fun bit of information.....


'There are rules for using the Stormraven Gunship with a Codex: Space Marines and Black Templars army; UPDATED rules for the range of Warhammer 40,000 Flyer models, including new bestiary and army list entries for the following codexes: Black Templars, Blood Angels, Dark Eldar, Grey Knights, Imperial Guard, Necrons, Orks and Space Marines.'



it reads like we are getting new units but also that our ravens entries will change... prob for the worse.


so.. is everyone prepared to shell out £20 for what should be in an FAQ?

In a word - No.


As a BA player, I feel no need, especially as we arent being given a BA version of the talon (which with space smurfs now having the ability to field 6 fliers I have a huge issue with), but as a whole if they've changed the rules for the BA raven, then I'll wait for a faq or a pdf download for free. I see no reason to spend £20 for what will probably be 1 page maybe 2 that only applies to my army.

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I'm wouldn't be too bothered about the fact that another chapter has the raven (as GK obviously had it) if BA actually got something in return.


As it stands it feels like as 6th Edition goes on, BA are getting hit with nerfs and now seem to be losing units which made BA a different chapter to play as. Yes people could take BA allies (which is partly why I cant seem to understand the need to let C:SM have the raven), but now as it stands it seems like BA are now a very average at best chapter.


C:SM can now field 6 fliers, their tac squads have combat tactics, they do the whole shooty army lists better in general, SW have better devs, and other numerous advantages despite no access to any fliers from what I understand, havent had any experience with the new DA yet so cant comment on them, but I'm just starting to question what can BA actually bring to the table now that other armies dont???


edit* Apologies if that short rant is slightly off topic...

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I didn't think I minded until I saw the Storm Raven painted in Ultramarines colors on the GW site just now.  It felt. . . wrong. 


But it makes perfect sense from a business standpoint.  The Storm Raven has really come into its own in 6th edition.  Other chapters have taken notice.  They want our toys, and GW wants to sell it to them.  $84 x all the circling vultures = profit!!! 


In exchange, however, I don't want a Storm Talon.  The smurfs can keep it. . . but something like improved skies of blood would be nice.  Something to set our ravens apart.  Who am I kidding, though?  They'll find a way to nerf us.     

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It's a bit much for a book that is less than half the size of a Codex, and out of that there are picture of various fliers, so say ten pages that aren't rules?

I think I may wait until the Codices I want are out for the rules I need (i.e. Storm Chicken Talon), unless of course it states see Death from the skies for specifics in those new Codices dry.png

The only reason I'd have a Storm Raven (nice model, but a bit pricy sad.png ), is so I can drop my Dreads on things happy.png

Actually, on that - didn't the Storm Raven entry on the GW site, used to state what it could carry etc (i.e. 12? Marine Models, 1 Dread? etc), because if I didn't imagine it, they've taken that blurb down (surprise, surprise...)

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It's a bit much for a book that is less than half the size of a Codex, and out of that there are picture of various fliers, so say ten pages that aren't rules?

I think I may wait until the Codices I want are out for the rules I need (i.e. Storm Chicken Talon), unless of course it states see Death from the skies for specifics in those new Codices dry.png

The only reason I'd have a Storm Raven (nice model, but a bit pricy sad.png ), is so I can drop my Dreads on things happy.png

Actually, on that - didn't the Storm Raven entry on the GW site, used to state what it could carry etc (i.e. 12? Marine Models, 1 Dread? etc), because if I didn't imagine it, they've taken that blurb down (surprise, surprise...)

It DID used to say that... if they take away that rule im gonna be mad!!

i dont want access to the smartcar/goldfish (storm talon) it looks dumb.

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It's a bit much for a book that is less than half the size of a Codex, and out of that there are picture of various fliers, so say ten pages that aren't rules?

I think I may wait until the Codices I want are out for the rules I need (i.e. Storm Chicken Talon), unless of course it states see Death from the skies for specifics in those new Codices dry.png

The only reason I'd have a Storm Raven (nice model, but a bit pricy sad.png ), is so I can drop my Dreads on things happy.png

Actually, on that - didn't the Storm Raven entry on the GW site, used to state what it could carry etc (i.e. 12? Marine Models, 1 Dread? etc), because if I didn't imagine it, they've taken that blurb down (surprise, surprise...)

It DID used to say that... if they take away that rule im gonna be mad!!

i dont want access to the smartcar/goldfish (storm talon) it looks dumb.

Sorry, I meant that in the past most models had a rules summary underneath the selling blurb - there isn't ANY rules blurb now. A way of forcing everyone to buy the book.

Never heard it referred to as a Smart car before :lol: I have to watch myself when in my local GW as calling it a Storm Chicken Talon has become a habit :lol:

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As I said, BA are losing the things that made them unique, I could understand templars getting the raven, maybe even wolves too as neither had a flyer, but leaving SW out and giving it to the smurfs who had a flyer already, then allowing them to potentially field 6 is just a kick in the teeth. I thought BA were supposed to be "the masters of the sky"?!?!

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also it says 'stormstrike missiles'...whats the betting that these will be amazing??


<_<  Whatever next?  A Fusion Cannon?  Quantum Torpedoes?  Matterstream emitters? 


In all seriousness, with the "photographic proof" (a Storm Raven in Ultra Marine blue), it does look like it will be available for everyone else.  I just heard my wallet scream at me to stay the feth away from it for the next six months.


Curse you GW! :(

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As I said, BA are losing the things that made them unique, I could understand templars getting the raven, maybe even wolves too as neither had a flyer, but leaving SW out and giving it to the smurfs who had a flyer already, then allowing them to potentially field 6 is just a kick in the teeth. I thought BA were supposed to be "the masters of the sky"?!?!


I can understand why you're narked that it's not going to be unique to the Blood Angels/Grey Knights, but remember the C:SM isn't just Ultra's.  Us Iron Hands (successors) would dearly love one, just one thing that can be called ours.  I'd have preferred it to remain BA (less temptation, unless I just make a BA successor to be able to get one :lol: ), but GW isn't going to miss a trick keeping it exclusive. 

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C:SM and C:BLACK TEMPLARS confirmed..sorry dark angels and space wolves.


i dont mind other armies getting it... we still have a bunch of special characters, assault squads as troops, fast vehicles, sang guard, dreadnought librarians, death compant etc etc


i just gall at fielding my raven 'wrong' because i havent spent £20 on a fething supplement.

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Having looked around the GW site, I've come across this:




Also, to add to the point I made about the brief rules for the Storm Raven no longer on the site - the Storm Talon ones are still up.  Evidently GW wants everyone to get the new book, and that the 'Talon isn't in it otherwise it would have had its rules taken down as well...

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As I said, BA are losing the things that made them unique, I could understand templars getting the raven, maybe even wolves too as neither had a flyer, but leaving SW out and giving it to the smurfs who had a flyer already, then allowing them to potentially field 6 is just a kick in the teeth. I thought BA were supposed to be "the masters of the sky"?!?!


Stormravens and all the other toys are not what makes the BA unique. They are a strained excuse for a codex adherant chapter to have a separate book. The Book and the toys are always at risk of going to the other marine armies so GW can maximize profit.


*frowns in the direction of GW*  *thinks, do they think fans are stupid, this is obviously a lame money making scheme*


That has been their business model for the last 20 years.

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