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GW forcing us to spend money?

company veteran

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I may have to step away from 40K and WFB for a bit....I love the lore.....but I am getting a bit tired of all of this.....


Looks like PP and Malifaux for me...and the specialist games for sure....but wow...just wow with their big games....


I have the Crusade of Fire....so I will not buy this one....

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I may have to step away from 40K and WFB for a bit....I love the lore.....but I am getting a bit tired of all of this.....


Looks like PP and Malifaux for me...and the specialist games for sure....but wow...just wow with their big games....


I have the Crusade of Fire....so I will not buy this one....


Same.  I'm out of 40K as far as gaming is concerned.  I have enough hobby supplies and models to last a lifetime anyway. (And then there's always ebay for that).

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Hey, so here's something that just occurred to me--there is no digital copy. So GW has just released a supplement of rules that have no more than 5 relevant pages for any given army, chosen not to stock stores with it, and has not even given customers the option of a digital copy! Great sales strategy guys, really great.
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Hey, so here's something that just occurred to me--there is no digital copy. So GW has just released a supplement of rules that have no more than 5 relevant pages for any given army, chosen not to stock stores with it, and has not even given customers the option of a digital copy! Great sales strategy guys, really great.


I'm afraid this might become a trend; they seem to be trying to get 3rd party retailers out of the loop to maximize profit margins.  They seem to have a pretty :cussty way of dealing with their retail partners if what I hear around where I live is any indication.  The whole shipping restrictions thing for EU web stores kind of validates this too.  Their whole retail strategy seems to be an effort to justify the existence of their own retail chain. 

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Wow, just looked this up on the GW web site, $48AUD and $57NZD...


Sucks for those of us living down under(er).


How can they justify this ? It's as if they are basically saying pay up or don't use your models until your new error ridden codex comes out in a few years...

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I have a CODEX  let the player who tells me I cant use it, well then he can go out and buy the larcenous script from GW for me.


Just refuse to use it simple, if I go to a tourney I will do the stupid dangerous terrain tests and deal with other ravens or whatever is written in that thing in the meantime unless I get a FAQ for free I will refuse to use or acknowledge any rules in there.


There will probably be plenty of codex Space marines running out to buy it and I am sure I can scan hand write out a copy relevant to me, I am pretty straight on IP but in this case I am flexible.


Problem solved

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And note that its out of stock already. So, to recap (from my point of view): new thing that's pretty unnecessary, is only available direct from GW hamstringing loyal 3rd party retailers, and those that go into their local GW to buy things as that helps their individual stores out, and wasn't even printed to cover demand.


Thunk  (<---- sound of a ball being dropped).

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I have been playing for the past 16 years, I am now 37 and fortunate enough to be in a financial situation that allows me to buy what I want, when I want....within reason. That being said...I just have no need or want to keeping buying models except every now and again and only when I see something that wows me. I just bought a relic contemptor with the weapons that I want...I want a storm eagle...and a couple of Razorbacks, but I am in no hurry. I know that I will buy a Sanguinius model when available...and I will buy the HH books from FW and the novels from BL.....I am.just glad I am not just trying to start this hobby...glad my son is into the PP stuff.....
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Septicon, on 19 Feb 2013 - 08:50, said:

Wow, just looked this up on the GW web site, $48AUD and $57NZD...


Sucks for those of us living down under(er).


How can they justify this ? It's as if they are basically saying pay up or don't use your models until your new error ridden codex comes out in a few years...

As an Australian you must understand the relative value of any GW product to your income?


ie, minimum wage in the UK is about £7, meaning this book is 3hrs at minimum wage. The minimum wage in Aus is $17 making it pretty much the same. That said, most professions are much better paid here, so as a proportion of your income, GW products are almost reasonable. This isn't a defense of the GW pricing policy, but i've spent the last month hearing aussies complain about how hard life is earning 60k, having just bought a house and are planning a foreign holiday.



As a general point, i'm not understanding the sense of outrage here. Existing publications that are effected have been FAQ'd/errata'd. The CoF rules for flyer combat are optional. So the only people who will "need" this, are those who previously didn't have the Raven and want the rules. Everyone else can just pass.

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As far as I can tell, Angelus, the outrage seems to be that some people think other rules might have changed. Of course, they gave literally zero reason to suspect this, so instead of adopting a "wait and see" approach, they're flipping out.


As far as this being out of stock, unavailable digitally, and unavailable in stores...guys, just chill out. I doubt many of those things will be true in a week or two.

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Ok, how many actually used the Skies Of Blood rule for a measly 5-6 dudes with jump packs?

Seriously, that is a complete waste of JP marines. You're waiting for the Raven to come onto the board with no re-roll for reserves, THEN dropping 5-6 JP marines out of the Raven which can't do anything for another entire turn except run or shoot. That's at least 2 turns where 100+ points isn't being used efficiently.

What's a dangerous terrain test anyway? First you need to roll a 1. Then you have armour save and, being a true Blood Angels player, a FNP save as well.

Is it really worth getting so worked up over a tiny rule change?

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@Angelus - closer to 4 hours for us in the UK; min wage here is £6.19 per hour (assuming you're over 21). I do understand what you're saying, it makes a lot of sense to look at things in that light.


As long as its not a compulsory thing, and it doesn't seem that way, I'm not overly bothered. I am, however, vexed on behalf of those others (SM, BT) that have to shell out the cost of the book for those few pages of Storm Raven/Storm Talon rules, but those aren't BA specific complaints.

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So what you are saying is that because the unskilled earning capacity in Australia is higher we should pay more for goods and services, what about New Zealand, min wage there is $13 yet kiwis pay more again than Australia.


Anyway back on topic, the issue I have is that while Blood Angels may have gotten away with just an FAQ, alot of us play other armies as well.

Take Orks for example, the new FAQ simply states that the new rules for their flyers are found in the death from the skies book.


Therefore players are being forced to purchase a book for 1 - 3 pages of updated rules to continue to use the models they already have..


Which isn't even available at the moment...

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