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great unclean one/scabiethrax/RATS


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ok guys i need an opinion here. for those who don't know my nurgle marine army is rat themed, i've kitbashed a whole load of skaven bitz and heads into my models including a fur covered bejawed landraider and a rat based daemon prince. I want to add a daemon contingent including a great unclean one, what do you guys think about my using a skaven hell pit abomination for him? what would i have to do with the base? i havent seen the abomination up close but i would imagine that it would drastically overhang a dreadnought base. Also i may at some point want to take my great unclean one as Scabiethrax (big ol named great unclean one) people tend to think of the forgeworld great unclean one being scabiethrax but it is never mentioned. do you think that my abomination could count as him, especially as it is slightly bigger that a regular great unclean one. 

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I really want to see pics of your army they sound interestingwoot.gif , the Hellpit abomination should be perfect for Scabiethrax I use a converted one as a Defiler and it is perfect basically towers over my entire army, though I believe Scabie may be slightly bigger so even if you green stuff some tentacles/ legs etc to make it slightly taller and you should be finethumbsup.gif

Can't wait to see any progress you make as you have got my attention

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Thank you, i'll post a couple of pics soon but most of my fully painted models are at my LGS for the next few days for a painting competition.


The tentacles are a good idea to  bulk him out, i'm worried about base size though. the abomination is too long i think. 

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