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Razor turrets


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I am finally coming around to the idea that BA Assault troops are just underwhelming and I'm looking for a better option. I'm not seeing much anti-tank, and I never played 5th edition, but I'm thinking of trying the razorspam I heard so much about.


For the turret...Do people prefer las/plas still? I've found a TLAC to be the best gun in my army on Baals or a Raven, so I'm leaning towards those, or possibly a mix. Is the TLLC as much a waste as it looks like? I'm genuinely interested in learning from y'all's experiences on this one.


Also, I already have rhinos, but if anybody knows a site to pick up turrets cheap, I'd appreciate that info as well.

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Mort, what have you been trying out recently?




And how do you deal with Necrons glancing you to smithereens?


Played a regionals tourney recently, which I havent managed to get batreps up of. 


I came 3rd overall.  (Didnt take meph- and look what happens! ><;)


I got tabled twice in 6 games, once by nids (who won the tourney) and once by Crons/Orks.  Cron fliers are the problem, not really the troops. But thats another story.


With enough dakka, we should be able to focus fire on certain units, and stay out of the majority of their rapid fire. If we're getting our vehicles within rapid fire range, then we're doing something wrong.  I find the ravens and the baals with Hbs help stay out of range.  Ive had very little issue with Crons glancefrakking my vehicles - again as said, fliers- diff story. But that's what ravens and ack-ack guns are for.


At the moment im playing a very experimental list.  Gonna move away from the razors.  I wont hijack this thread, but its in the list building forum under 1750 null-deploy.  

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@Mort: Dunno how your Cron-Ork player was playing it (and SUCH  a potent tandem that is, speaking as a NecrOrk player myself), but realistically the "glance-frakking" should occur from flyers (as you mentioned), barges (which can be rather problematic to deal with), and infantry jumping out of planes, the last of which you can't really defend against, except with a lucky intercetor gun.


The 5-man Warrior unit plus Cryptek with Voltaic Staff has gotta be the most efficient tank-kiling unit in the game. 90 points total for a squad that disembarks a Night Scythe in rapid fire range, with the gauss flayers probably contributing 1 glancing hit on average, but the Voltaic Staff accounting for...2.5? Today at a tournament was the first time in all of sixth that I had that squad fail to kill a vehicle when it disembarked--it only stripped 3 hull points off a Land Raider. Then a second unit delivered the killshot.


I want Mech BA to be really good again, because that was my army that I played throughout 5th, and I won a lot of games with it. But hull points gave tanks a set shelf life, and Necrons are an extreme hard counter to any vehicle-heavy list.

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I just got in a pair of games with my new Razor-heavy configuration and it confirmed a few things.


First, I am definitely a fan of this style of play! I ran 2 TLHF and 2 las/plas turrets and both did a great job. As Mort said, the problem with Necrons isn't so much the Gauss, it's the Death Rays and Tesla Destructors. My Raven completely whiffing didn't help much (v Doom Scythe: 2 missed Bloodstrikes, missed with Multi-melta, one glance with Assault Cannon...) and his air force was the limiting factor on the Razorback lifespans. Especially with the lascannons, it is very easy to stay out of gauss double-tap range and still do some damage. 


Secondly, my game versus the borderline traitorous Space Wolves turned out much better. The heavy flamer killed many Fenrisian wolves, but I learned a big lesson here: Razorbacks don't have firepoints. Lots of special weapons shots were missed due to me thinking I didn't need to disembark. Also, the real hero in this game was the Fragioso anyway (two units of Grey Hunters dead, plus a Rune Priest, then he gets both arms blown off by Long Fangs, and still manages to tie them up in combat the rest of the game).


So, in summary, I'm fully sold on Razorbacks being our best bet for scoring units at this point.

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160pts for a unit that can fire 1 maybe 2 'special' weapons. Can get glanced to death in a turn, or blown up. And you HAVE to get out of it to do anything with what's in side.


I can't really countenance that any more. It isn't cheap in 6th given what it is now limited to do.


When turn 5 comes round and you have to disembark and hope and pray that weak bare bones unit survives, or that the game ends. I don't feel so comfortable with that anymore. Especially given how easy it is to kill 5 marines now with weight of fire in this competitive environment.

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Well, it's hard to kill 10 JPs if they get into combat, which is where they should be.


I don't think Razors work if they are up close. That's the drawback of the TLHF or the TLPlasma. Being that close means you are most likely going to get popped next turn and what's inside is useless.


TLAC probably would be an even more favourable option because they can fire at full strength moving 12" and staying outside of the 18" threat range of most things.


But I don't have great faith in the AV13 wall with Razors backing them up anymore.

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Our experiences with assault marines and their ability to survive combats is obviously very different...


Anyway, I'm not totally sure on what turret load outs are better yet. The HF is fragile, like you say, but there are armies that don't handle the HF template well, so I like it's potential a lot. I'm probably going to try TLLC at some point over the las/plas, but I'm not sure which is better. Sometimes, that plasma gun is a life saver, it seems.

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