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Question about charging transports

Cmdr Shepard

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I have a quick question for you about the assault phase.


Can we charge a unit previously embarked on a transport if the charging unit destroyed its transport in the previous shooting phase?


In 5th Edition rules clearly said it was allowed but I checked 6th Edition rule and I didn't find any info on the matrer (both in the assault limitations and the vehicle section)

For example my IC destroys a rhino with a combi melta and the embarked unit is forced to disembark. Can the IC charge that unit?


Thank you for your assistance.

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P80 of the rulebook

"However, if a Transport is destroyed by a shooting attack, any unit that shot it that turn can, if allowed, charge the now disembarked passengers"

So in answer to your question, yes your IC can charge the passengers. Also if another unit shot at the same Rhino in the same turn, but failed to destroy it, they could still charge the passengers since the IC opened the Rhino for them.


I'll give an example. You have an IC with a combi melta and a Dreadnought with a multimelta. The Dreadnought shots the Rhino, but fails to destroy it. The IC then destroys it with his combi melta. Both the Dreadnought and the IC are allowed to attempt a charge against the now disembarked passengers, if they are within charge range.


Hope this helps.



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P80 of the rulebook

"However, if a Transport is destroyed by a shooting attack, any unit that shot it that turn can, if allowed, charge the now disembarked passengers"

So in answer to your question, yes your IC can charge the passengers. Also if another unit shot at the same Rhino in the same turn, but failed to destroy it, they could still charge the passengers since the IC opened the Rhino for them.

I'll give an example. You have an IC with a combi melta and a Dreadnought with a multimelta. The Dreadnought shots the Rhino, but fails to destroy it. The IC then destroys it with his combi melta. Both the Dreadnought and the IC are allowed to attempt a charge against the now disembarked passengers, if they are within charge range.

Hope this helps.


Thanks ;)

I was in the middle of a game and since we failed to find the rule's reference, I posted the topic during a game's pause. We should have checked it better... anyway thank you again for your reply... thumbsup.gif

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Yes, and the annoying thing about this rule is that it isn't in the assault section (which would make sense, as it covers assaulting) but is instead near the vehicle section (and is actually in the transport vehicle section).

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So its exactly where you might look for it if you have just shot and destroyed a transport vehicle and want to know if there is a specific rule pertaining to transport vehicles that allows you to circumvent the usual restriction of only being allowed to charge the unit you shot at......


Rule is in the right place, you need to realise where the right place is though (and there is no spoon). :-)

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