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teaser for zulu attack 40k style


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hi folks,

in a couple of weeks from now i will be running a 40k event at a local, private con. the main gist of it is that a few blood angels are holding off wave after wave of tyranids, each wave being a small 40k game with recovery of models between waves, bunches of special rules and nicely painted minis and terrain to make it a movie like spectacle. today my friend and i will play test a few waves and see how it needs to be tweaked for good fun and excitement.


here the blood angel force


captain tycho



sang priest

tech marine with 4 servitors

tac squad

devastator squad

scout squad



if there is any interest i will take a bunch of pix from the main event and a run down of the plot, the waves and the final, climatic battle.


the right flank





the left flank




first tyranid wave


2x10 termagants

2x10 hormagants

3x tyranid warrior with deathspitters

3x tyranid warriors with 2 deathspitters and a barbed strangler



the killing field




group shot of the defenders



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just played 2 waves, first one was easy for the marines, no casualities, second one was beefed up by a tyranid prime, a venomthrope and 5 stealers. that got dicey, venomthrope soaked up a bunch of fire so the prime and hormies made it into combat. chaplain was killed along with 5 bolter devastators till the dread took him out. great little fight, cant wait till it is played out for "real".

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