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What is a painting vow?


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Ok guys I am sure this is a pretty dumb question. But what counts as a Painting vow? is there a certain number or types of models? I have so many units to complete that I need to do something to motivate myself to complete it. Two full tactical units, a seven man assault squad, 5 termies, 5 Sang guard, 5 Vanguard Vets, Chaplin, Dante, two Dreads, one rhino, one razorback, one land speeder typhoon and one land raider. Dang things arnt going to paint themselves.


So what counts, how long should I give myself? And how do I go about proving that I have actually got it done?




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It can be anything from a single HQ to a full unit or vehicle, or just to upgrade a unit to full strength (ie; 5 man to 10 man). These can be from components, assembled bare plastic/metal/failcast or basecoated.

Also depends on which campaign you are making the vow for sometimes, PtR being DA only, LPC being for all.

It will usually say on the original starting topic for the campaign what would be considered an acceptable vow msn-wink.gif For the LPC you could put up everything you've listed, but that'd give you just over a month to get it all done.

As for proof of your efforts, a few pics will usually do. Before & after completion.

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Here is the info on the current painting challenge.




I hope and believe there will be at least one more opportunity later this year. Of course you are welcome to both post and show even though the deadline has been passed. We will all appreciate your support and enthusiasm even though it won't affect the result between the different boards this time.

I'm looking forward to meeting your army. :)

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never mind i see now the cut off date of 1 Feb, I missed that the first time I read the post. Oops



On a happier note, I have been working pretty hard tonight on my scratch built Chaplin and Sang Guard. I would even say the Chaplin is done except for adding some basing. Wonder if I can get a decent pic with my Cell Camera........

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ok so maybe it isnt as done as I thought it was. AND the camera phone isnt taking pics as good as I would like but....


** I had pics up but I took them down**


I also think the flash is making things look a bit wonky. Looking at these pics, it looks like a 6 year old painted it with a crayon. It doesnt look that bad in person.


It needs a lot more work before I show you guys.

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ok so maybe it isnt as done as I thought it was. AND the camera phone isnt taking pics as good as I would like but....


** I had pics up but I took them down**


I also think the flash is making things look a bit wonky. Looking at these pics, it looks like a 6 year old painted it with a crayon. It doesnt look that bad in person.


It needs a lot more work before I show you guys.

I know your problem. try switching the flash off and use a lamp or something æd light source.


I went digging in old treads. Something like this hopefully starts when the LPC is over.




Try visiting the dark angels LPC tread. I think he left a hint in one of his posts. look for Captain Semper. :)

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