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WIP: Orphans of the Kraken


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During the end of the last edition i started working on a themed Scythes of the Emperor force that i intended to be different to play and interesting to model, when 6th edition arrived it forced me to entirely rethink how i wanted to play and the army i was building towards had to get a complete overhaul. Sadly alpha striking scouts were out, as was the usefulness of Shrike and fleet becoming redundant, power fists are no longer the best choice due to challenges, the added scourge of the outbreak of flyers and the need to defend against them......

After months of play testing various builds and units against my local gaming group it's finally time to get down to the nitty gritty of fully painting my army, I've started this new thread to mark my new beginning and hopefully (time permitting) it'll be updated more regularly smile.png

First up my WIP AOBR dread.....



Still a fair bit of highlighting and detailing to add and stuff like the chapter symbol.

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Sneak peak at my "counts as" Chaplain Cassius.......







Love the Scythes. Your yellows a bit darker than I usually like but it works. Especially with the flaws on the DCCW. Great stuff look forward to the completed Chaplain.


Thanks, have been enjoying your Star Phantoms aswelll :)


I hear you with the yellow, i went through a few different test models before settling on that, being a fleet based chapter on the road to recovery i'm trying to pull off a dark gritty look, hopefully it'll look sweet when the whole army is together.

Due to a crippling back injury i've not had much time to sit at the painting table this week :/


One thing i could do with help from the community is how to start painting my scouts, i have 2 different schemes in mind.......


number 1




or number 2





which do people prefer?

Number 2 all day long for me brother. Much more stealthy. I like stealth hehehe

EDIT: Didn't you have a Scythes log on here a little while back?.... Oh just read your first post properly, yes you did. Well as I said in that I like your work mate. Hope the back gets better so you can get back to painting thumbsup.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

Not much to update atm (still can't spend a lot of time crouched over a table, to painful on the back) but thought i'd have a small check in anyway, still a lot of work to do on my "counts as" Cato Sicarius but he's taking shape nicely......




recently converted HB Scout (need to tidy the GS a bit).........





And a very early WIP Chapter Master Thrasius complete with wrist mounted Aux Grenade Launchers and Power Scythe!






Hopefully my back will be better soon and i can get some proper painting done.....

  • 2 weeks later...

Not much to update atm but did get my Dread finished........



Brother Tobias 3rd company Scythes of the Emperor









  • 10 months later...

Well it's been like forever ago i started this project and due the many changes in the game (and a very busy working life the past year or so) my list and the project kept taking detours which i was never really happy with, i'm finally settled on which units i wanted to include and have restart painting and modelling and you see updates a lot more frequently......

Started messing about a bit tonight with both my Cassius and Sicarius, i'll take better pics tomorrow when we have daylight and my actual camera set up (these were taken with my windows phone).



I'll take some different angles with better quality tomorrow but you get the idea smile.png

Dude. You kit bashing/modeling skills are awesome. Where is that scythe from? Also, is your chapter master's pad a red scorpions honor guard shoulder pad? I'm partial to them as they are my chosen chapter biggrin.png

Keep it up!

Dude. You kit bashing/modeling skills are awesome. Where is that scythe from? Also, is your chapter master's pad a red scorpions honor guard shoulder pad? I'm partial to them as they are my chosen chapter biggrin.png

Keep it up!

Thanks man, that is indeed a RS pad they are really great for character models and resin is dead easy to remove the chapter details :)

The scythe is from the HH Death Guard Deathshroud termies, he's now also sporting a mark III helmet with a front to back crest on it, i'll finish him off with a cape after painting and he should look like a suitably bad ass chapter master.

I really like your yellow. When I am dabbling in PH Imperial Fists, that is the kind of yellow I will be doing. Right now I'm looking at a Vallejo yellow ochre, but I am interested in what you used, if you wouldn't mind sharing.


Your stuff looks great and I look forward to seeing more.




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