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Marius Perdo

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As I have a lot of Khornate stuff left lying about I have decided to also work on a Khornate warband. I blame the various excellent Khorne warnabnd threads on here.


Based on the idea that the Skulltakers got scattered after Vraks, this is my lot that aren't with Zhufor, so I'll not have any Blood Cult (terminators).


The Berserkers will be Skulltakers and Berserkers of Skalathrax. The normal marines will be Skulltakers (using lots of the skull helms) and Sanctified (with lots of horned helms, impuirty seals etc). As for havocs I'll have some Skulltakers with heavy bolters (and more skull helms) and some Steel Brethren with missile launchers.


I have a fair few Forge World  World Eater door sets, so Rhinos all round and a land raider to. And a defiler. And a Forge World World Eater (Skulltaker) Hellbrute.


I'll be cutting up some of the Dark Vengeance chosen for a full lot of chosen and a scratch built Sanctified Dark Apostle. A fair few cultists for his cannon fod...erm, cult, which I'll call the Dawn of Blood in honour of the cruiser Blood Dawn. Got a fair few and won some more cheap on eBay.


When 6th edition Daemons arrives I'll use the Bloodthrister and the couple of boxes of Bloodletters I have as allies.


A pointless shot of a box of plastic and resin and metal.




So, I am itching to finish off my building buildings commitments and get on with these guys and spattering them with gore effects. Well in between building Lion stuff anyway. And drawing plans of a landing craft.


Well, these three projects should keep me occupied for 2013 anway.

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Based on how my painting has gone pretty much there really. A tiny bit of blurring in the centre about a milimetre across, and that should be gone by months end. Until then I won't be painting any eyeballs but not long now.


Thanks for asking :)

I found a very old and battered land raider I decided to salvage for this project rather than chucking it.

I have decided to make it ancient (truly 10k years old), so I am using the Forge World MKIIc Heresy conversion kit.

I wish I hadn't. It has been a bugger as the top plate and rear plate are a few mm too narrow so I have had to add plasticard support battons and a brass support bar for it to work. I am also using the Forge World spaced armour* as the re-inforced kit hides a lot of the front tracks and using the Forge World chaos ones would then be somewhat pointless.

Another reason to have these large side plates is as this will be a Sanctified one they are ideal for covering in script, seals, and Forge World Khornate etched brass with airbrushed masked flame motifs around them. Regardless a lot of carefful green stuffing is still going to be required to fill plate gaps and have things fit properly.

Also a stolen Doom Fists razorback whose Forge World re-inforced armour went wrong, and I am replacing with Forge World chaos re-inforced armour*. It'll be a World Eater/Berserkers of Skalathrax rhino. I got some electricians plastic pipe today to end cap with old metal banner of rages to make into a sort of roller destroyer blades, which I am sure I saw done in White Dwarf years ago, although net searches for an issue number have revealed nothing so I may have been dreaming.

The slant on this is I am building vehicles first to fill with infantry later. It is proving challenging which I merely see as a test by Khorne to make me lose my temper and rage with a hammer of smiting msn-wink.gif

I may have to pick up a plastic box of termies from GW (and lord for more bitz) tomorrow as I noted the termies are allowed a land raider as dedicated transport. I will still use a Tyberios or two sawn off legs and waist though as they look quite Khornate (as does his claws) and I have the Forge World Khornate terminators conversion kit (along with Zhufor). An excuse to use the Forge World World Eater doors that I have and one of the unbuilt plastic land raider I have lying about (8 at last count although the rest are for my Lion Knights and Doom Fists).


Lookig forward to Saturday so i can start pondering daemonic allies, as I have a few (24 bloodletters, a bloodthirster, Uraka and his herald).

*I never ordered land raider spaced armour, which checking very old order e-mails confirmed, so Forge World made a mistake. I also ordered chaos rhino spaced armour (again e-mails confirmed this) but the packs had re-inforced in them. I don't mind as such but it goes to show that ordering and storing is daft,. Check your orders, and dry fit ASAP so you can complain and exchange in a tinely manner. Most of this stuff is 4+ years or older smile.png

I have been doing lots of research in my old Chaos codices, Liber Chaotica, and Realms of Chaos: Slaves to Darkness. Now my SAN is down to single digits but the hallucinations are down to a manageable level I have decided to post again in an uncontrolled manner.


Lots of ideas bubbling in my head and as insane stick/blobmen doodles on scrap bits of paper as the visions come in the middle of the night. Doodles that would get me sectioned if seen by Them.


On a more practical front. Firstly the Hate Tank thus far:




When you see it coming, your :cuss runs down your legs...the Hate Tank...THE HATE TANK.


I'll be adding the following to it in no particular order. I find most chaos tanks look too much like an Imoperial tank that has had iron railings stolen from a graveyard welded to the top of it so I won't be doing that because I don't it one little bit. I'll be covering it in relief made from plasticard and rivets, a bit like my doodling on the spaced armour but all over. Lots of brass etch too. Lots. And it shall have teeth and it shall wail.




Blood Cult terminator to go in said tank.




And He Who Shreds shall rage for a bloodthirsty God, and bellow hate to an uncaring sky...




Early days yet. Lots of chains to add, and brass etch. Studs. Skulls. Little skulls. Xenos skulls.


You know, the usual.


Next up will be his champion with the Tyrant's Claw as his slasher and the plastic Lord's double chainfist as his smasher. Make murder men whilst the greenstuff dries.

The Land Raiders looking ace and teh Blood Cult termi is off to a brilliant start, I would add something more substantial to his headdress though, maybe the Khorne symbol from the Chaos vehicle sprue cut down to fit, Ive done that with my Termi 2IC or some zerker bunny ears as at the moment the Brass etch looks very tacked on imho.

Ta all.

@Batle-brother Ludovic: Khorne for now. Doom Fists when a 6th Ed codex appears. Knights of the Lion when the possesion stops.

@deathspectresgt7: Rip and Tear is suitable for He Who Shreds, his name lost to time, drowned in oceans of letheian blood. The psychosurgery didn't help much either.

@Biohazard: It is tacked on mate. Blu-tacked on smile.png I am going to use it as a stencil on thicker plasti-card and then glue rivets to it. Cos I love rivets me smile.png He is still very WIP, very WIP but I have some jackal-like headpiece ears pre-cut from plastic zerkers which I might try on him, or not. Someone will get them anyroad. And I did get that idea from your thread msn-wink.gif

Share and tear (sanity) time... Phil Kelly made a defiler crab in Call to Arms, which looks good but as a decapod is numerically unsound, heretical, blasphemous, and needs it's shell caved in. So sticking with arachnids who would be octopoda but such phyla doesn't exist I shall make mine Thelyphonida or "whip scorpion" inspired. Which is neither a scorpion nor has a whip. He also has World Eaters that aren't Khorne Berserkers. I myself cultishly follow the teachings of all World Eaters are Khorne Berserkers, but not all Khorne Berserkers are World Eaters.

Conversion ideas using the DV chosen continue apace, and this mixed bag will be from all warbands in the warbands, they will be known as the Company of the Chosen (of Khorne), who will be gory to the elbows (ritual blood dipping/annointing), and will kill each other and themselves if any of them are left at the end of each battle (homage to Life of Brian and RoC:StD page 259).

Pictures later this morning after I speak to Austrailia.

I see you changed your mind about including blood cult. ;)


This is really promising, I love Vraks fluff and Khornate warbands in general, and I share your opinions regarding CSM tank aesthetics. Really looking forward to seeing more of this project. That land raider is looking monstrous so far.

@A Kvit Ghost: Whilst washing my mind in Khorne's sacred waters I noted the dedicated transport bit and expensive, brutal, and silly wargear combos. Also I had the resin bits and anyway...Khorne made me do it smile.png

@Midnight Runner: Love your Flesh Eaters too. The aquila was being left until a new vorpal blade was fitted to the handle of correction. Basically it is sharp enough for chopping things up but I'll do fine tidy up work when I put in a new blade.

He Who Shreds



Added some spikes on the legs, and the discs* from the beserker chainswords to cover the arm joins. Fitted a back plate like on my Doom Fists using the front groin assault terminator plate glued to a random plate from the terminator lord box. I'll be adding rivets and a brass etch Khorne symbol to it. And the jackal headress as Biohazard suggested. Much more imposing. Looks great, ta mate smile.png

Head is loosely pinned in, and needs tidying for final positioning (for uncaring sky roaring and looking suitably demented), green stuffing gaps and joins etc. Brass etch to replace aquila, and a MKV centre grill to go over the central belt plate. And some chains, and skulls on small spikes on top, maybe small spikes around the front in place of the moulded rivets so it is like his face is caged. Dunno, sometimes less is more.

The headless one in the blurred background is an early days Icon of Wrath bearer. I am using the sorceror lord force staff as a starting point, and adding a dozer blade spike to the bottom so in a pinch he can use it as a spear to impale and pin victims to the ground before he bursts them with kicks/stomps. Or dismembers them with his power sword after he kebabs them and holds them aloft for all to see.

Kalibos, the Eater of Faces



Face eating 101...

And Khorne blessed Kalibos with tusks, and an extendable lamprey like maw. So he did impale his foes with his tusks, the better to hold them as his hellish bite stripped the flesh from their face, to better prepare their skulls as an offering to Khorne. Or Gift of Mutation smile.png

The idea is he can batter infantry/heavy infantry or vehicles/very heavy infantry (two Specialist Weapons, Toto we ain't in 5th anymore). Stance is to suggest wading forward with great sweeping, slashing, dismembering roaring powered chainblade arcs, and vicious puncturing punches and severing slashes to the heart, lungs, and other assorted vitals.

Then he bites your face off. Which he may or may not make into a cloak of tortured souls (I have some demented ideas about that).

If he does well I may use him as a chaos lord, but only after he has claimed 888 skulls.

PS he is also still WIP, late o'clock here so I'll just do them later today rather than burbling on about what is left to be done.

*I shall also be using said discs on the upper left and right of berserker chest plates, inspired by the art on page 44 of the Book. One side has the Skull Rune, the other a skull, so quite a lot of mileage and as I have 60 odd plastic berserkers and don't like them dangling and waiting to snap off chainswords so I shouldn't run out anytime soon.

OUTSTANDING!!! I love Kalibos! When you'd mentioned using both those weapons I was a little unsure how it would look but you have come up with probably the most unique looking Termi I've seen in a long time. The additions to the shredder are looking great as well, I have loads of those assault termi groin plates and often wondered what to do with them. Looking forward to your Icon of Wrath bearer as well as I have one in bits on my desk at the minute. Mate this is fast becoming one of my favourite Khorne blogs


Ps for more of those discs with the skull runes I usually bits buy plastic zerker torsos, they give you some nice variation in sizes then. ;)

Thanks lads.

Warning. Big update, lots of pictures, and loads of rambling smile.png Also all are very WIP and blu-tac and literally thrown togther as a sort of proof of concept.

Okay, first a pair of paired lightning clawers who ended up looking great, but like twins, which led to me deciding to use all of Zhufor for this squad rather than just for Kalibos' lamprey face eating helmet. It also made me change my mind on something else which I'll explain later, led to some head swapping that made me rage as all the blu-tac failed and minis fell apart that were in slightler better poses before. You'll just have to trst me on that.

As an aside given their weapons I may call them the Claws of Karanak.

Dodge, Gut Slash, Shoulder Slam, Haymaker Chest Puncture about to come in...




Somewhere a forcibly amputated Wolf Guard is wondering where his arms are at. I think this blokes title says what he is up to. I like him a lot though so I might call him Vrakos.





Apparently terminators can charge. Run too I guess. Quite well with an Icon of Wrath to boot. So, this was twin guy who on head swap fell apart. I do intend to greenstuff his left foot/toes so they'll be bent as if lumbering forward in an unstoppable charge. He looked better before the blu-tac failure, so I know it can work.

I tried Korvydae's head which wasn't happening (cabling got in the way) which led to raiding Zhufor again (completely) but his head is a wee bit too big so I'll drill the cavity down further and gently trim and file if I have too. Note the neck stump is already trimmed severely.

I'll will add a fair few forward facing body tusks/spikes. I don't like the idea of them as top rails on infantry or vehicles, but using them as weapons attached to armour does appeal. Whilst raiding a Warrior of Chaos banner I noted the end horns/tusks would be great for this so they are clipped and will be attached somewhere. Probably his bely/girdle as a pair so he impales anyone he runs into.

The Bearer of Wrath

Firstly I won't be using this. However, I rarely ask this but I am torn between two icon tops. The two I hate and won't be doing...



Even as I type this I realise which I will use. It won't be this because...


anything with cloth is for the Sanctified to cover in chaos scripture and liturgies. I like it, and this will appear in the Sanctified squad, but not for these chaps.

So it'll be this one.


Except using Zhufor means it'll be in Zhufor's right hand, on the same FW body as above, and using Zhufor's powefist/combi-bolter combination which sorts out WYSIWYGing holding three things in two arms on a termie smile.png I did have a scabbarded chaos warrior sword on those above (to be a power sword) but it looked crap.


A quick word on momentum. None of the pads etc is finalised and they'll will be allocated based on the positioning of these guys to compliment the intended momnetum for each one, to make them seeem more dynamic which given how static termies are is required.


I noted many bare plats even on the true chaos termie stuff. And very few rivets/studs. This pleases me greatly and sufficed to say they'll be sutbly festooned with Grandt-Line and FW brass etch, just like my Doom Fists.

Squad Expansion

This squad has bugger all guns but that is what the Hate Tank is for. However with quite a lot of legs and chests left over, a fair few Tyberios' to saw up, Zhufor bits (although Kalibos will be getting his chest as Slaaneshi as that sounds), and lots of Loyalist marine parts, and too many ideas for this mere five I will be doing the other five should this lot be sans the Hate Tank.

So I think a couple of Sanctified (one with a reaper) using the FW WE Khorne enruned helmets (lovely black helms) but the animal/goat horns where jackal head pieces would be, a pure Skulltaker (polished armour/chain axe "chapter" symbol cut from plasticard), a Steel Brethren turned to Khorne (I want an iron and brass bloke with trench clearing/bunker smashing heavy flamer/chainfist combo), and a Black Brethren of Ayreas/Black Legion (because I like Khornate warriors in black armour with brass/gold trim too).

The Chosen where always intended to be similar, being a mixed bag from sub-warbands.

Regarding Possesion

Most possesed will be from the Sanctified and will be hosting specific named lesser Khornate daemons in symbiotic Word Bearer style. Thus featrues of Bloodletters, Juggernauts and Flesh Hounds will abound. Whilst pondering this I realised given the champion two Gifts of Mutation meant he ahd to have eight limbs because that would look mad. Also anyone possessed by a jugger would probably be massive. So for eight limbs to work, and a massive bloke to work I think I will be doing a couple of possessed in true-scale. Or as close as I'll ever get to it anyway.

However as I have a clear vision/idea for the first five, and a lot of work to do on them, it'll be a while before I update which will probably be with the Claws of Karanak fully buuilt and awaiting paint, and The Hate Tank too.

@deathspectresgt7: Thanks. It was other Khornate WIP threads on here that inspired me so if it inspires others that is all good.

@Darth Potato: Long time no speak smile.png If they look terrifying that is good, I suppose terminator armour clad Khornate chaos space marines should sow terror smile.png As for rivets I'll be using all three sizes that I have, which are as follows (size first and the GL part number):

0.32" (153), 0.43" (154), 0.63" (156). There is probably a 155 as well but I never ordered any (can't imagine why, probably out of stock). Looking at the sizes i think I used the 156 on my Doom Fists legs for scale reference. The others will be for putting studs on lightning claw knuckles and other small surfaces.

As for the drill bit I have no idea but it is tiny. Even with the pin vice set to smallest clasp I still had to wrap cellotape around the drill bit for the drill to ve able to hold it. No idea where or when i got it, I was lucky enough to have it lying about.

Right, back to drilling and pinning everything and sorting out the icon bearer that I want holding the standard in Zhufor's right hand and using Zhufor's left hand powerfist combi-bolter.

*Several Hours Later*

All base pinned. Base icon bearer together.


Whole Claws together....


...together with the Hate Tank.


Basically content with them. Lots of detail work to do now, finalising positions and stances, brass etch etc. However with more legs and bodies I am tempted to do the others whilst I still have the building, as opposed to details, bug.

But tonight is Crysis 3 night, and stalking about invisible stealth killing smile.png

Still doing detail on the Claws of Karanak, and changing my icon bearer again, as "any model" can carry it, so it will be going on Kalibos as it isn't cheap in points, its effects are highly useful, and with "Look out sir...aargh!" he'll keep it longest. I'll put a mid-sized brass etch one on his back on a banner pole. This will be true for all Skull Champions...sorry, Berzerker Champions and Aspiring Champions for similar reasons, also on a back banner pole keeps it out of the way and their hands free for slaughtering smile.png The only exception may be the Sanctified squads.

So, whilst waiting on other stuff to dry and getting tired of fiddling with tiny bits I started work on my first berzerker, inpsired by page 44 of the codex.

Kill! Maim! Burn!





Still have a fair bit to do positioning and detail wise (more chains, skulls, some spikes/spines etc) and this guy will have a WE transfer so he'll be a Berserker of Skalathrax. Just posting to give an idea of what all my berserkers will look like. Basically a fusion of plastic berserkers, FW resin berserker bits (and axes), ordinary plastic chaos space marines, and old plastic backpacks. And fine chain, and FW Khornate chaos daemo brass etch (yet to be added to this guy, probably front right shin and middle top of his backpack).


For a few points you can butcher your way through 4+ or worse save and against 3+ armies they are a waste of points. As I have 60 odd berserkers to build I think I'll do 10 of each for each squad of 20, and then pick and choose depending on who I am playing against. No one really unless I pull my finger out and get an army planned.

Time to open the codex and do a list, which will have 40 bloodletters as allies and probably two 35 man cultists squads. Trying to make all 70 unique by cutting and swapping is going to make my brain melt but I am not having duplicates.

Thanks for getting back to me on the rivets, Marius. It's helped me get a better understanding of what size I should be looking for. 


The Terminators look so cool man. I don't know if you said it anywhere, but will there be more in the army? I like your Berserker hybrid. A good pose and great detail, but I hate that inflated looking bolt pistol. 

Thanks guys.

@Darth Potato: Regards the bolt pistol it is deliberate. I thought the smaller, newer ones look a bit whimpy. I wanted something that looked like you could pistol whip...well, pistol smash with. Also if normal bolt pistol clips hold 10 shots that beast must hold 30 to 50 and I can't see a berzerker being calm enough to stop and reload smile.png However I am working on another one and as he'll be left hand axe and right hand pistol I'll use a standard pistol and see. It isn't as if it'll be hard to swap if I change my mind smile.png Glad the advice on the rivets helped, and as for more termies their will be 10 (I mention them above) but to get playing I just want the five for now in the Hate Tank. I have actually started on 6, 7, and 8 but stopped to get some zerkers done.

@MagicMan: The posing and detail takes a while before I am happy. Also as the airbrush is fiddly I tend to restrain myself and paint all at once. I really, really want to do some blood spattering using red/black ink and Tamiya clear red using the airbrush to create splatter patterns I have seen done on Tamiya models for fresh mud spatter/droplets. Love your UMs btw.

Right, back to the pile of zerkers on my desk.

*some time later*

DPs comment on the bolt pistol got me thinking how others would look and I couldn't get the query to go away, like a splinter in my mind. Curses. So I did a quick check...




Sufficed to say sod the big bolt pistols. Time to fit a new sharp blade into the scalpel, it is cutting time...

I have to say I never use the zerker gauntlets, I think they are way put of proportion so I tend to use the CSM gaunlets and just leave the pistols/swords attached. Could be something else to look at unless you like the big gloves. Love the posing on the zerker though.


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