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Alright I guess that works. The plasmaguns are heled in hands by the marines right, but still counts as fireing with 'relentless'? I actually more and more like the idea of a biker lord, and as I said, easily enough done for me, with out doing 100% new model. Instead of doing the 10th bike, I think buy a bike for my lord.


What do you mean by duel geard champ? Two special weapons, such as a powerfist and lightning claw?

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Gman, that's really similar to how I run my bikes (of course, I add the Mark of KHOOORNE) and they are almost always my star unit.  Any weapon fired by the model counts under the relentless rule.  Of course, if you switch out the twin-linked bolter for the plasma gun you'll get an extra attack on the charge!  


I also love Vets on this unit.  For my money, go with a couple upgrades and 9 bikes.  

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There is some discussion as to whether the TLBolter is viable swap-bait though.


The Army List entry clearly states "Up to two Chaos Bikers may replace either their close combat weapon or their bike's twin-linked boltgun with one of the following:" and lists Flamer, Meltagun, and Plasmagun. What am I not understanding about your post?

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But what about this duel equiping champion business? I guess the verbage in the entry just says 'may take items from...' doesn't say anything quantity.


I read through the 'dex last night on the bikes and saw the entry about you replace the ccw or the TLLB on the bike, with one of the special weapons. I think I would go with the TLLB on the bike, even though it's a bit a modeling conversion. As you said, that model keeps his 2 attacks once in combat.


As for the IC, I also had to track that down to find out if and for how many points. In the chaos lord entry it says they may take items from the special wargear section. That is where the bike is listed, and it costs the lord the same number of points as it does for an extra biker in the unit. So 10 bikes, or 9 bikes and one for the lord for the same points. I likey!

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The part where I'm getting confused with bikes taken by independent characters.

This is relevant to my interests as well, and it's not one of the most clear-cut rules.  But it says in melee weapons, ranged weapons and chaos artifacts that a model may "replace one weapon"--and it says in the wargear section that a chaos bike comes with a twin-linked bolter.  The Lord's type becomes bike, and he gets that twin-linked bolter in his inventory as an 

"extra" weapon, so it can be replaced.  If I build a biker Lord it'll get replaced with a combi-weapon.


And I guess if anyone is enough of a jackass to raise a stink over it at a tournament and won't budge (and the judges won't support you for some reason), giving up one close combat attack won't be the end of the world.  But I wouldn't play somewhere like that again, made that mistake before.

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Ah OK Tanight, I gotchya. So far in the list, I have running the lord with the Black Mace, and honestly, it's been working well. The D6 attacks for deamon weapon has been enough to pay for itself, and I've taken down 2 characters with only inflicting 1 wound. :) I'll try it out just leaving that on him, but he is totally magnatized, with every other CCW option ready to be swapped out. So maybe if he is running with that,  a PF on the champ might be useful, for monstrous creatures and vehicles.

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The part where I'm getting confused with bikes taken by independent characters.


I see what you're driving at now.


I would interpret that as a parallel with other squads getting a number of special weapons, so it would be a feature of the unit and not the bike in general. Just like giving a Lord TDA doesn't give him the ability to take a Reaper Autocannon the way a Chaos Terminator Squad could take one as an upgrade, I don't believe that a Chaos Lord taking a bike could take the special weapon upgrades of a Biker Squad, so no trading out the TL Bolter on the bike for a Lord.

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A Warpsmith gains a meltagun and a flamer from his mechatendrils. By Jeske's interpretation these parts of the mechatendril's become swappable for other stuff because they are weapons. I don't believe that was the codex designer's intention, but the more I think about it the happier I'd be if a FAQ proved me wrong.

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